The second coming of Jesus/ the end is near

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I am seeing alot that covid19 and all the disasters that are happening now is a sign that the end is near andthat Jesus is coming soon…

Do you agree or disagree?..
COVID-19 pales in comparison to the Black Death (Bubonic plague) in Europe about 700 years ago for sheer death rate.

Or to the Holocaust for sheer genocide.

Or to the loss of innocent life through legal abortions for sheer evil.
This isn’t even a precursor to how bad the tribulations will be. This is just life in a fallen world. The time is not yet, but the Lord will tell His servants when it is getting near. Be patient. Use the trials the world is in now to grow closer to God.
I find we know of everything sooner and almost at once given the advances in communication and technology.
And also that transport as well now keeps us closer and interacting with the whole world .
And that given all these we are continuously discovering how connected we are and what we have in common: our joys, our sorrows, our humanity and more
And life goes on hopefully closer to each other in God’s hands as usual, children of God
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Nah, aliens from another planet will show up first.

That will really get the earth people on one side of an issue. 😃
I guess its just the non catholic- other branches of christianity that are saying this is a sign.
It may very well be. I think it is a precursor, but I might be wrong. We can be sure it’s not happening in a few years though, no antichrist has arisen, no false religion that dominates the world, and the Jews have not converted. Those are three sure biblical signs. When these things begin, know for sure it’s coming. Not yet though.
If someone asked me a year ago what could happen in the world to stop every sporting event on the planet for months, I would have been baffled to figure out an answer. I don’t think of it as a sign that Jesus is coming soon, although I love that the world got put on pause, and during our Lent as well.

It’s much more significant that the Jewish people from all over the world have returned home to Jerusalem, and since they all speak different languages, they are all using Hebrew, which has been out of ordinary use for 2,000 years. Now THAT is amazing and the hand of God, breathing new life into dry bones as said in the Old Testament.
Well, we are to find the signs of the times , that is the presence of God in our time , in our here and now, in everything…
And so signs of love and hope and even those little “ look at this”, “ look at that” and ways in which to improve lives for everyone , even if that is those around us as we can… well, that is what Jesus taught us , right?
Life is a gift and a blessing.
Hopefully, He will find us “ busy” ,occupied,not ”pre”occupied or worried but caring for what He cares…
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The end is one day nearer than it was yesterday.

COVID is just one more pandemic in a very long series of pandemics, many of which were far worse than COVID.

I wish every day that Jesus would hurry up and come back, but we do not know the day or the hour, and there’s probably a 99.99999999999% chance my own end will arrive before the world’s does.

Mostly I wonder why so many people (as shown by us getting a post asking this same question almost daily, and plenty of Catholics posting on social media as well) are so fixated on the end of the world. Does it make them feel better or more important or do they just watch too many End of the World prophecies on Youtube?
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We’ve been in the end times literally since Jesus breathed his last breath on the cross and completed the work of salvation.

Don’t worry about the end of the world, just focus on the end of your life, because if you’re focusing on your own end, the end of the world won’t really be a bother for you.
Honestly I ask because I would love to just go home soon~😇

May I add, although this is irrelevant…why does it feel like I will live forever on earth and never see eternity.😪:crazy_face:
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Disagree. The Spanish flu of 1918 killed MANY more people.
I am seeing alot that covid19 and all the disasters that are happening now is a sign that the end is near andthat Jesus is coming soon…

Do you agree or disagree?..
Oh dear. We get a thread on this topic every few days. It’s getting boring. Did you do a search to check for other threads on this topic.
Forgive me if my comments seem blunt.

No the end is not near. Just do what Jesus told us to do and that is to always be ready.
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You must be young, some of us have more days behind than we do in front 😁😇

Or maybe I should have said more days “Left Behind” 😂😂😂
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