A proof for God’s existence came to Anselm in the dark of early morning, under the solemn sound of psalms, echoing against the stone walls of the church. It was the year 1077, at the monastery of Bec in what is now northern France. Anselm was happy. “The grace of God shone on his heart, the whole matter became clear to his mind, and a great joy and jubilation filled his inmost being,” his friend and biographer Eadmer would later write.
For Catholics, Anselm is a saint, a theologian and bishop who defended the Church from the encroachment of kings. For philosophers, he’s the inventor of an ingenious and still-controversial artifice of abstraction. The great 20th century mathematician Kurt Gödel had this to say about him:
For Catholics, Anselm is a saint, a theologian and bishop who defended the Church from the encroachment of kings. For philosophers, he’s the inventor of an ingenious and still-controversial artifice of abstraction. The great 20th century mathematician Kurt Gödel had this to say about him: