The series "Lost"

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Has anyone seen the long-running series “Lost?” Is it worth watching? It has good reviews, but you never know.
I hsve. Wierd, but I found it fascinating. Enough oddities to keep you guessing.

Hmmm. Have it on a set of DVD. Might drag it out and watch again.
It was good until the last season. It went downhill from there, and the last few episodes sadly destroyed a lot.
Has anyone seen the long-running series “Lost?” Is it worth watching? It has good reviews, but you never know.
I never watched it, but I’ve heard from friends that the first few seasons are really good and then it kind of trails off.
My wife and myself, along with my son and daughter and their spouses watched Lost when it first aired on TV

We thought the first two seasons were great and they had a spiritual element to it. Most thought the people were in purgatory.

Then the final season, the writers themselves got lost and it ended OK, but not the way they could’ve made it happen.
We enjoyed it, lots of mystery, but it became a product of telling a fantastic tale without figuring out how it would all tie together neatly by the end. They tried, and I like it, but a show that different really requires long-term thought and planning without resorting to a Deus Ex Machina.
The ending of the Lost was the worst ending of a TV-series I have ever seen. And that includes Game of Thrones.
I just watched all of “Invasion” (William Fichtner) and it was really good, despite the writers leaving the ending hanging in the end.
Sad that writers can’t at least plot a story in advance.
My wife, my son and I have LOST as our all time favorite TV show. Every episodes kept you hanging as to what would happen next. The actors really worked well together. And the mystery of the unknown really kept the show fresh and exciting. I agree the last season was bizarre and a little hard to follow at times but it was original. All the other seasons were fabulous and I highly recommend the series.
The first season is ridiculously compelling TV. I was probably more engaged watching that than close to any other show. The later seasons overdo the drama a bit, and the story gets drawn out, but I still liked most of it. It’s worth checking out, for sure.
It has some very engaging and talented scriptwriting but as you get further into the seasons it is clear that the writers are just making some stuff up as they go and it is disappointing by the end imo.
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It’s worth watching, even though the earlier seasons are stronger than the later ones. Go for it. If anything, LOST set the stage for many other like-minded shows that followed, but none matched.
It’s on my list of shows that started out great but ended bad…but it was a great show until the ending.

kind of makes you want to watch it now just to see how a great show can end so badly, huh?
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Lost suffers from storytelling that really only works on the first viewing. I loved it when it was on but coming back to it is hard because the mystery is gone and the answers we got to the mysteries were underwhelming. The show didn’t need to play up the mystery as much as it did. The characters and their motivations were fantastic. I actually really enjoyed the ending because it was character based. So, overall mixed feelings about the whole Lost experience.
My husband loved it!

One of the problems with the show was that there were additional things online that you had to read to be really “in the know” about what was happening on the show. My husband tried to keep up, but it got really tricky and took a lot of his time.

But he still loved the show.

And he thought the ending was disappointing, too.

It’s fun to see all the “Lost” actors showing up on other shows.
The show got lost somewhere in the pilot, I think that was the point.
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