The Silenced #MeToo: War and rape

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Me Too is about exposing sexual abuse, rape and harassment, mainly in the workplace. However, there is a push to " take #MeToo where it hasn’t gone: to speak for the girls, boys, women, and men raped due to US Wars…"
“Abeer was 11 years old when the US invaded her country, Iraq, in 2003. Three years later a group of US soldiers planned her rape over a game of cards. They waited for the fall of night and invaded her family’s home. She endured hearing her parents and little sister being killed as she fought her rapists. In the second it took sweaty fingers to ignite a gun aimed at her head, young Abeer’s life was over.
Rape in US wars is not the deviance of a few bad apples, it is a documented strategy used by the US defense apparatus . When the rape and torture scandal at Abu Ghraib, the US run prison in Iraq, was exposed, Brig General Janis Karpinski admitted that this grade of rape and torture came directly from Military Intelligence, the CIA, and private contractors.”
"The atmosphere of rape savagery is all consuming in US war zones. The first American women to die after the invasion of Iraq was 19 yr old soldier Lavena Johnson who was found severely beaten, raped and murdered in a tent belonging to the defense contracting firm Kellogg Brown& Root (KBR). Also in 2005, defense contractors from the same firm raped and beat their female colleague so badly she had to have her breast implants removed. KBR continued to win competitive and lucrative contracts from the government following Lavena’s murder.
Rape cards—photographs of acts of rape were traded like baseball cards by US personnel in Iraq. "

When i brought up this question of including in the #MeToo movement, the sexual harassment and assault of women by American (and other) soldiers, I was told that this was not relevant because the culture of the army is not the culture of the business world. But this is not what the me too movement web page says. The web ;page says they are committed to disrupting all systems that allow sexual violence to flourish. And the military is one area where sexual violence has flourished in the past.
There is already a thread on this. Apparently its closed now so I would expect something similar would happen here.
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Well you’re wrong about one thing. Me too is about power and the subversion of the court systems. Now if someone on a position of power wants to ruin your life they can orchestrate sexual assault allegations and they don’t even need to be proven. You will lose your job, have your reputation slandered, all with no proof, no fair trial. Many of the me too cases, in Hollywood for instance, involved girls who voluntarily tolerated sexual advances and didn’t say anything because they cared more about making money and being popular than justice. The problem in our society is of materialism and an abandonment of values. When 10 year olds stop watching internet porn and girls are no longer told that having a flashy career is more important than marrying a good man and having a family, progress will be made.
Well you’re wrong about one thing. Me too is about power
Yes, it is. What is more powerful than a soldier with a gun to the head of a woman or young girl? It is true that the metoo movement started as a movement to protest the prevalence of sexual assault and harassment in the workplace, for example, the case of Harvey Weinstein. However, as the article indicates there is a push to extend this discussion to all sexual violence and inappropriate sexual advances in whatever environment, not just the workplace environment.
Me too is about power and the subversion of the court systems.
Many rapes by soldiers in foreign countries have not been able to reach the courts because of the lack of witnesses or because witnesses were fearing for their lives if they did testify.
I don’t think war crimes have much relation to the #MeToo movement.
Rape in US wars is not the deviance of a few bad apples, it is a documented strategy used by the US defense apparatus
This is complete and utter horse***t. It’s not an exaggeration or an alternative take. It is a lie.
This is complete and utter horse***t. It’s not an exaggeration or an alternative take. It is a lie.
I’d give the OP a lot more consideration if it weren’t for posting history. I’ve never heard of and a cursory googling hasn’t brought up much about its provenance, but that line was so bombastic that I can’t help but assume it’s no better than Russia Today or PressTV (the likes of which the OP has cited in the past).
Popular Resistance, uses whatever news that fits their extreme left wing cause, including propaganda put out by radical Islamic groups and other anti-American groups including Russian fake news sources.

The propaganda of US troops in Iraq, forcing mother’s to watch their sons raped, was propaganda put out by radical Islamists, who sought to destroy US image.

CAF should not allow threads based on Popularresistance ,org as it’s a propaganda machine.

I was told that this was not relevant because the culture of the army is not the culture of the business worl
Who was it who told you this?
It’s a bit concerning that someone would think that way (unless it was a misunderstanding).
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