The Sisters are doing it for themselves

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Somewhat inspired by the God a Female? Thread…

My mom sits near a Sister who uses feminist language in prayers during Mass. I told my Mom what I would do if I had the opportunity: After Mass I would try to take her aside and say,“I’ve noticed you change the words to prayers during Mass and I wanted to let you know that it is distracting. I’m not going to tell you what to do or how to pray on your own time but I would apprecitate it if you would use the the traditional words they are both neutral and what the church has proscribed for public prayer. Thanks.”

Would you speak up or offer it up? Any advice for me Mum?
What do you mean by “feminist language” if you don’t mind me asking? It definitely does not sound good.

If this change of language is affecting the theology she is embracing then you should definitely speak up, in my humble opinion.
Just a wild guess but this Sr. doesn’t wear a habit does she? What I’m guessing you mean is that she is using “gender neutral” language [ex: stating Jesus became “flesh” instead of man during the Creed, saying “God” wherever “His” would be used- (for the praise and glory of God’s name not His name)]. If this Sister actually subsitutes Her in place of His she’s taking it even farther than I thought people did.

What can your mom do? Tough to say. If she is direct with the Sister, she will likely give your mom a kind smile and humor her and continue to pray as she wishes. Perhaps she will even explain her reasons for praying in this manner. Have mom study up on this subject so she can refute these reasons. Karl Keating addressed the “gender neutral” language issue in one of his recent e-letters. In many cases this language actually changes the meaning of what is intended by the prayer or scripture.

In the end it is likely she will continue to pray as she wishes and your mom or Sister will have to make new seating arrangements. After talking with the Sister your mom could bring it up with one of her order superiors but chances are she belongs to a liberal order. Mom could also talk to the parish priest (after chatting with Sister) to see if he has any suggestions or can offer her any assistance. Blessings to you and your mum!
What do you mean by “feminist language” if you don’t mind me asking? It definitely does not sound good.

If this change of language is affecting the theology she is embracing then you should definitely speak up, in my humble opinion.
Sister doesn’t use male pronouns to refer to God. I’ll have to ask again what specifically she says.

Jdg164, I don’t know if she wears a habit or not. I’ll ask about that too. My great-aunt (same Order) did until she died at 101.

It’s possible that she may be open about this. My mom seemed to think she had a desire to do things right. But her superiors are the super liberal ones. You’re right about that.

And talking to the priest? :rotfl: I’m sorry to say that when I had a lively discussion with the diocesan liturgist (I know, I know) he lamely defended her (even thought she was wrong). Also, when I saw a young girl playing with the host on her way back from communion (she did consume the Host finally, I watched her till she did) I asked Fr. after Mass if he could remind people from the pulpit just WHO that is and to have reverence. He said I could go ahead and approach someone if I saw it again. ::sigh::
Blood Rain, this is slightly off topic but I have to say I really feel your frustration. I too am tired of sitting in the pew and hearing nothing but “warm fuzzies” during homily time. There are some real issues out there and our priests are shirking from the responsibility of addressing them (ex: the Real Presence in the Eucharist, voting responsibilities for Catholics, need for renewal of Confessions). I don’t want to place all the blame on slacking priests because we as lay people have watched this happen and too few of us have said and done nothing. Is it me or were people better catechised when Nuns were running our Catholic schools (by Nuns I mean habit wearing, rosary toting, HOLY women) and priests in charge of their parishes? Oy what a mess.
Blood Rain, this is slightly off topic but I have to say I really feel your frustration. I too am tired of sitting in the pew and hearing nothing but “warm fuzzies” during homily time. There are some real issues out there and our priests are shirking from the responsibility of addressing them (ex: the Real Presence in the Eucharist, voting responsibilities for Catholics, need for renewal of Confessions). I don’t want to place all the blame on slacking priests because we as lay people have watched this happen and too few of us have said and done nothing. Is it me or were people better catechised when Nuns were running our Catholic schools (by Nuns I mean habit wearing, rosary toting, HOLY women) and priests in charge of their parishes? Oy what a mess.
It’s not that off topic- it’s my thread; that’s how I know 😉 And I got a little ranty at the end there, I did.

I guess as I think about this I’m going to encourage my mom to study up a bit on this and then approach Sister. Prayer goes without saying when it comes to my mom. If Sister is approached humbly (and I don’t me hang-dog humble) and prayerfully (as this is for her soul) I think it will be fruitful. She may not change the minds of everyone in her Order but one is really good compared to none!
Unless there is a reason your mother must sit near this sister she should sit somewhere else.
We have that problem here too. There is one woman in particular who cahnges each and every male reference somtimes making a bags of it all.

I have written to her pointing out chapter and verse of Canon Law where she has no permission to do such things. I sent the letter about a month ago and reminded her of my right to true liturgy and of the fact also that she is confusing many who follow the Missal. In fact with the Responsorial Psalm now she reads the gender inclusive version which she herself constructs and some in the congragation shout back the proper response as it is given. All very sad and embarrasing.
I have also reminded her that if I receive no response from her that I will make my concerns known to the Bishop and if he is not interested I will report it to Rome as I have been bound to do by ‘Redemptionis Sacramentum’. Only then will I leave it to those in charge!!!😉
That all sounds very harsh I know but hey I think it is not only very necessary but vital.
I am no admirer of ‘ostrich’ tactics of moving away changing parishes or going to different Masses. It is no ones private property to experiment with. Stand up and tell them you are not putting up with experimentation with the Holy Mass.

“(ex: the Real Presence in the Eucharist, voting responsibilities for Catholics, need for renewal of Confessions).”

Well, we have priests who I think do these topics too much.

EVERY SINGLE homily we get is either about “protecting life from Conception to Natural Death”, the Real Presence and the importance of the Eucharist we are about to recieve, or Repentence and Reconcilliation.

I’d like some about Scripture, the Teaching Authority of the Church, the Saints, the Marian Dogmas, the nature of the other Sacraments…

Because trust me…when you start getting so many homilies about the “big issues” like we do…they too get watered down and full of fluff and jargon and repeating things simply by phrasing them in different ways in the context of the different readings…
There is an older man at church that I’m friends with. For awhile the two of us got together for study and prayers. He tried to use “inclusive” language around me. I guess he thought I’d feel batter about it. I finally told him to drop it. I was actually insulted by it.
After reading this thread, I have offered two prayers.

One that God would send his Holy Spirit to speak to the hearts of those whose agenda is not to conform to Christ, but to try to conform Christ to themselves.

Two, a prayer of thanksgiving that I am in a parish where the priest is mostly orthodox, and the people for the most part like it that way.

I sympathize with those who have to live with or challenge radical ideas that so profoundly affect their worship in the Mass.
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