The soul is female

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The soul is said to be female.
If this is true there would be no men at all.
I was also taught that a man has a male soul and not a female soul.
So I am a man with a female soul?
I must have mussunderstood something.
Then again female represents receiving and male giving. A good biological father cant just give. He must recieve as well. Jesus recieved people although that’s female. A good mother must give or send her children out of the home to eg school or other places. That’s very much a male quality.
Jesus on the cross is said to have been male but He recieved which is female.
God the Father is genderless but we use male names when talking to or about Him.
He recieves people but recievibg is female.
The soul is not female. It is impossible because female is a physical concept and the soul is immaterial. Even if you assigned “gender” to the soul, it would depend on your biological sex.
The soul is said to be female.
If this is true there would be no men at all.
I was also taught that a man has a male soul and not a female soul.
So I am a man with a female soul?
I must have mussunderstood something.
Then again female represents receiving and male giving. A good biological father cant just give. He must recieve as well. Jesus recieved people although that’s female. A good mother must give or send her children out of the home to eg school or other places. That’s very much a male quality.
Jesus on the cross is said to have been male but He recieved which is female.
God the Father is genderless but we use male names when talking to or about Him.
He recieves people but recievibg is female.
“Said” by who?

The soul is immaterial, and thus has no gender.
Maybe there is some confusion here with grammatical gender. In Latin langauges and also in the Germanic languages that have grammatical gender, the soul is always female as far as I know.

But grammatical gender is not identical to actual gender.
I think the term contingency is important here. The body depends on the soul.
Many people have stated that we recieve the Word of God and thus our souls are female. I shiuld cite someone but I cant find any quote right now.
Also, a man using the language of fallung in love with God would be wierd if the soul was not female. How can a male mystic talk about falling in love with Jesus?!
I did take a course in Thomistic thinking and the term contingency was very important. Did the philosophers really say that the souls in genderless. I could have missunderstood Aquinas.
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I think the term contingency is important here. The body depends on the soul.
Many people have stated that we recieve the Word of God and thus our souls are female. I shiuld cite someone but I cant find any quote right now.
Also, a man using the language of fallung in love with God would be wierd if the soul was not female. How can a male mystic talk about falling in love with Jesus?!
For one thing “falling in love” with Jesus is not romantic. When it is said that receiving the Word of God is female, what is meant is that receptivity is more like the physical female, not that it is female.
Many people have stated that we recieve the Word of God and thus our souls are female. I shiuld cite someone but I cant find any quote right now.
The speakers may be using feminine as an analogy. It doesn’t mean that souls are actually female the way, say, Barbara Bush was female. I think you’re taking what is intended to be figurative too literally.
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The soul is sometimes referred to as “she”. My guess is to illustrate the spousal relationship between Christ and the Church. Christ is the groom and the Church the bride. I have heard in heaven it is like we are married to God. So the spousal relationship does not only refer to the Church as a whole and an institution, but each member individually too.

We are either male or female and our bodies and souls are united so as a whole person we are either male or female. That is just my guess.
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But grammatical gender is not identical to actual gender.
If it was, the Alsace -Lorraine would be the worlds largest furniture producer. All they would have to do would be to pair up French tables ( feminine) with German tables ( masculine) and then just raise the offspring 😛
Maybe what you’re driving at is the Church is the Bride of Christ?
And drawing other conclusions from that?
Where were you taught this? It sounds like Jungian philosophy: men have female souls and women have male souls (animus and anima archetypes).
Maybe there is some confusion here with grammatical gender. In Latin langauges and also in the Germanic languages that have grammatical gender, the soul is always female as far as I know.

But grammatical gender is not identical to actual gender.
And in Hebrew (nephesh), and in Greek (psyche). Many times, expecially in previous centuries, when scholars were translating writings from those languages (esp. Greek and Latin), they used “she” when referring to the soul, because that’s what the original writers used. I’m reading Athanasius right now, and the translator did precisely that. I suspect that the OP was reading something with that usage and got confused.

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