The soul is said to be female.
If this is true there would be no men at all.
I was also taught that a man has a male soul and not a female soul.
So I am a man with a female soul?
I must have mussunderstood something.
Then again female represents receiving and male giving. A good biological father cant just give. He must recieve as well. Jesus recieved people although that’s female. A good mother must give or send her children out of the home to eg school or other places. That’s very much a male quality.
Jesus on the cross is said to have been male but He recieved which is female.
God the Father is genderless but we use male names when talking to or about Him.
He recieves people but recievibg is female.
If this is true there would be no men at all.
I was also taught that a man has a male soul and not a female soul.
So I am a man with a female soul?
I must have mussunderstood something.
Then again female represents receiving and male giving. A good biological father cant just give. He must recieve as well. Jesus recieved people although that’s female. A good mother must give or send her children out of the home to eg school or other places. That’s very much a male quality.
Jesus on the cross is said to have been male but He recieved which is female.
God the Father is genderless but we use male names when talking to or about Him.
He recieves people but recievibg is female.