Friedrich von Hayek proposed a theory of the market order as a spontaneous order of individual actions that go to build up a system bigger than the individual decisions themselves. Such decisions are based on individual knowledge which consequently any planning would have to take into consideration. The difficulty if not impossibility of such accumulation of knowledge made rational allocation of scarce resources by a central power inefficient and inferior to the market order.
This got me thinking about the idea of systemic racism. While there have been criticisms of such a concept, I began thinking, what if it could be explained by spontaneous order?
To put it bluntly, the many racist actions of individuals build up a spontaneous order of systemic racism. This is different than governmental legislation targeting races as occurred in apartheid South Africa and in the Jim Crow era. It also makes it more difficult to ‘target’ because of the dispersal of such decision making, but which is necessary per Catholic doctrine declaring racism a sin, and a violation of the natural law.
So, I was wondering what people think of the theory and how to implement changes to overcome it?
This got me thinking about the idea of systemic racism. While there have been criticisms of such a concept, I began thinking, what if it could be explained by spontaneous order?
To put it bluntly, the many racist actions of individuals build up a spontaneous order of systemic racism. This is different than governmental legislation targeting races as occurred in apartheid South Africa and in the Jim Crow era. It also makes it more difficult to ‘target’ because of the dispersal of such decision making, but which is necessary per Catholic doctrine declaring racism a sin, and a violation of the natural law.
So, I was wondering what people think of the theory and how to implement changes to overcome it?