Often in the movies the main character wreaks havoc on the Ten Commandments and doesn’t make a problem of it.
Then - it’s just one example out of a thousand - it happens that he has to change city for a new job and, there, his son is hit by a car and dies.
The rest of the film will be marked by the atrocious feelings of guilt of the protagonist who feels responsible for the death of his son for changing the city and his spouse doesn’t help making him feel guilty.
Does it only happen in movies or does it also happen in real life?
Then - it’s just one example out of a thousand - it happens that he has to change city for a new job and, there, his son is hit by a car and dies.
The rest of the film will be marked by the atrocious feelings of guilt of the protagonist who feels responsible for the death of his son for changing the city and his spouse doesn’t help making him feel guilty.
Does it only happen in movies or does it also happen in real life?