The Trinity is Simultaneous Modalism

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First I would like to suggest the Notion that Modalism As sequential is heretical but simultaneous modalism can never be considered heretical as the Trinity states that God is one being in three real modes of existence.

These three hypostasis are the one being of the Father almighty.

The Father’s being is Modalistic.emphasized text

Take for example Thomas Aquinas is concept of the Trinity where it is God’s self love and inner relations within His being.

Yet that the only consciousness of God is the Father’s consciousness, one will, one mind, one authority, one wisdom, one truth, one King of kings one Lord of lords and one great I Am.

This is proven when the Greek text states that the Father is the only true God, meaning that the Father is monos theos.

Monos meaning alone solitary desolate only.

And we can see that it is not Patripassian, as Patripassian’s Believe that there is only one hypostasis but this is unscriptural as we see since the Father is so He lives and because He lives He expresses

Meaning that the Father, Word and Spirit are necessary for the Father’s being or else God is not the living God.

We then see anti-social trinitarianism.

So for the Oneness And the Trinitarian can unite in proper understanding of the Trinity and the Oneness of God in Christ.

If we recognize that any other form of Trinitarian doctrine would be partialism or Tritheism.
However, with Modalistic Monarchianism we see the necessity of the Father’s monarchy but also the distinct hypostasis within and of the Father’s substance/being.

So each mode of existence “hypostasis” is real and distinctness but are distinct personal modes of the Father’s being.

Let me know your thoughts if you want me to expand I can…

God bless be safe.
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modalism is easy to understand and then add the caveat that God is all three at the same time and that equals the Trinity.
Yes that’s pretty much the Point of the post as it is impossible to claim Modalism as an umbrella term because the trinity would fall into the same heresy every time it would try to be explained.
We must recognize the distinctions in the Father’s being but these distinctions cannot have distinct centers of consciousness or else we fall into the heresy of Tritheism.
This is why I believe from what I have read that simultaneous modalism, Can ever be heresy unless one is saying that this way of existing began only in time, or that the Father suffered on the cross
Tritheism teaches That one group with the same substance have their own individual spheres of influence and or a council of divine beings.

Since each way of existing is no longer one being existing but three beings existing making three gods as one God counsel.
Because as you said, they have three distinct consciousness instead of one unified one?
Exactly the spheres of influence are separate they’re not united in one sphere of influence which is God’s singular being.

To Trinitarian friends of mine said it like this “I feel like I give too much worship to the Son and not the Father.”

I had to express to them that it was all the same God.

Then they.proceeded to say they do not share the same personhood.
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I would reply that it doesn’t matter that they don’t share the same personhood. They share the same “Being”. Giving a ton of worship to the Son, the Father, or to the Holy Spirit will not make the others jealous because they are all completely and utterly one and the same being.
I would go as far to say that there is only the one center of consciousness and that center is the Father.
That is an absurd assertion, the Church would not have condemned modalism if she practiced it
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Not a perfect analogy but close enough.
Modalism that is defined is sequential not simultaneous.

Modalism is to be simultaneous and eternal or it’s heresy.
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Yes, but Jesus did say that the only way to the father is through him. Jesus did say that the Father is greater than I. So, essentially the Father is greater in “person” but equal in “being.”
This is because the Word was made flesh, but to say that Jesus in deity is less is incorrect, it is his true humanity to which is lesser.
From what I’ve read in Scripture it is always referring to the Son of Man when saying that Jesus is less than
Also to clarify @adamhovey1988 It was the hypostasis of the Word that was made flesh not the hypostasis of the Father.

That would be Patripassianism Which is Sequential not simultaneous nor eternal.

However all hypostasis of the one God was in Christ so it is the Oneness of God in Christ
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