What i have a hard time understanding is how the Trinity shares the same essence.
The Father generates the Son and they share the same essence, but yet I, as a created person, do not share the same essence as my biological Father, do I?
Yes, you do. There’s three ways to understand essence, and I forget what they are, but you and your father, and incidentally the rest of mankind, share an essence.
A bad example of the Trinity, but a good example of essence (or substance) as it was understood by the Church Fathers who were defining it is three gold statues made from the same pot of molten gold: even when the substance is separated (which with the Trinity is impossible, thus this is a bad example of the Trinity), there’s not three golds, the gold in one statue is not different from the gold in another, but one gold. (Those are gold statues, notice gold is singular, statues is plural.) (My reference, Augustine, On the Holy Trinity, Book VII Chapter 6… he even says it’s a bad example of the Trinity in there, but he’s a bit more wordy than me about it.)
Another way to understand essence is that it comes from the Latin word esse, which means, “to be.” So, essence is the being or “isness” (to coin a word) of something. He
is a human, same as his father.
Another example, he
is a Kennedy, just like his Father, and he
is a Buchanan, just like his Mother. He has the rights that a Kennedy has and those that a Buchanan has. (At the Highland festival, he can wear either kilt, for example, or even one that has both tartans.) Likewise, Jesus
is Divine, same as his Father, and
is human, same as his mother. He has the power to live without sin, and forgive sin, as granted by his Divine nature, and to pay the debt for sin through death, as is fitting his human nature.
Don’t let the big words theologians use scare you. Ask them to define it. If they can’t, understand that they don’t understand the concept any better than you do, and are trying to scare you into thinking different so they won’t loose their job. Then go look it up, and if you’re a nice kind of person, explain it to them.