The trinity

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Can someone point me towards a good explanation of how the unity of the three persons in God works? I’ve heard Aquinas had a good one but I had trouble finding it and remember I didn’t completely understand it.
Hi FireFromHeaven,

Here is a link to an article from EWTN’s library about The Holy Trinity. Hopefully this will help explain things to you a little bit better:

I am editing my post to add that this is also one of those concepts that is called a “Divine Mystery.”

In my own personal opinion, it’s a beautiful and awesome concept. 🙂
Can someone point me towards a good explanation of how the unity of the three persons in God works? I’ve heard Aquinas had a good one but I had trouble finding it and remember I didn’t completely understand it.
Howdy my fellow Texan!!! 🙂

Still in need of an explanation?
Howdy! That helped a little but not completely. It was a nice outline of the trinity but I don’t think it went into enough detail. How exactly is the Son begotten by the Father? How does the Holy Spirit proceed from the Father and Son? How are they different yet the same? Fairly mind boggling questions.
Howdy! That helped a little but not completely. It was a nice outline of the trinity but I don’t think it went into enough detail. How exactly is the Son begotten by the Father? How does the Holy Spirit proceed from the Father and Son? How are they different yet the same? Fairly mind boggling questions.
Personally I never liked it when someone says the Holy Trinity is a mystery. To me it always sounded like they didn’t know themselves and so they just said it was something no one could comprehend. But in a world where people better associate with things they can understand an explanation is needed to truly relate how God can be three different forms and completely be three forms at once.

Quick note some people liked to depict it something like this: 1x1x1=1 (just to share)

We as Catholics know that Jesus came to Earth as 100% Man AND 100% God. This doesn’t necessarily mean He was 200% of something. God was made flesh and as human flesh Jesus developed with His human body as infant baby, teenager, and then young Man. This is why Jesus still had to “grow”. Some would like to say that “if Jesus was God then why does the Bible say He had to grow in wisdom; If He is God then He would already know everything right?” but we again know Jesus’s human flesh developed (baby, teen, man) like our flesh and thus His human internal also had to mature as our human internals including the growth of the mind.

But Jesus yes is God so His flesh and internals are of course better than ours; so His mind would be smarter and sharper. I’m sure that’s how He could retain ALL the knowledge God the Father shared with Him.

I mentioned the above just to set right any other dispute some try to claim.

Image the Earth in its entirety in the blackness of space or as a Globe on a desk; if you look to notice ALL the oceans are connected. All that water is there in its LIQUID (the Father) form. On each poles of the Earth the North and South poles are composed of water in the form of ICE (the Son). Over the Ocean of the Earth the water evaporates into the form of gas (the Holy Spirit). Each form (liquid, ice, and gas) is the same WATER or H2o in the molecule level and the water of the Earth takes these forms at the SAME time!

Also we know that the forms have a purpose and the Holy Trinity forms have purpose as well. When NASA was investigated the moons and other planets for life outside Earth they looked for traces of water. The reason is because to sustain life on Earth we NEED water. All life on Earth requires water. The scientist believed that ALL life on Earth came from Water ((The Father). So the liquid form or the Father is the source of ALL.

The Ice (the Son) on the poles of the Earth has purpose. When you put your hands on cold ice they will start to feel like they are burning; that is because the cold ice is actually sucking out the heat from your body. The Ice draws in the heat allowing the Ice to return to its natural form of Liquid. The Large ice sheets on the poles actually draw in the heat from the atmosphere and then the large ice sheets begin to melt and that is what powers the Earth’s MUCH NEEDED ocean currents. Those currents drive the weather we have all over the planet. The purpose of Jesus on Earth was to take our ALL of our Sins. So Jesus sucked up all the world’s sin just like the Ice takes in the heat. Jesus took it all because no human could. When we accept Jesus in our lives and live up to His example we will “melt’ to the natural form God wants for us.

The form of Gas (the Holy Spirit) is invisible to us but we know it happens and exist. The purpose is the Ocean waters is taken to the sky in the clouds as gas then released ALL OVER the world to feed ALL Life.
The Holy Spirit has the same purpose. We can’t see the Holy Spirit but it is with us always and it’s purpose is to help us and feed us with the joy and presents of God.

I hope you can understand how the purpose of God in three forms is with us always and at the SAME TIME. But at ALL Times each form is 100% GOD!! <>< Amen Amen!!!

In Genesis 1:26 it says “Then God said, “Let US make man in Our image, according to Our likeness”

The Holy Trinity always was and always will be!!

John 8:58 Jesus says “ Truly, truly I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am”
Does that help any?

I know sometimes us Texans can only relate to other Texans (LOL) JK.
Well, it is a “Divine Mystery.” You can also ask the last pastor from my last parish. He and I talked about it, and he also called it a “Divine Mystery,” as well. 🙂

To be fair, I have trouble with my memory and certain words too at times, and I post links here on the forum when I feel that an article can describe something better than I can. 🙂
Well, it is a “Divine Mystery.” You can also ask the last pastor from my last parish. He and I talked about it, and he also called it a “Divine Mystery,” as well. 🙂

To be fair, I have trouble with my memory and certain words too at times, and I post links here on the forum when I feel that an article can describe something better than I can. 🙂
OO NOOO I’m sorry I’m not referring to you!!

It is a Divine Mystery you are right. But when explaning to someone I don’t think the church should describe it as a mystery only because it makes the it harder to understand.

I know in my younger 20’s when I asked people I heard that countless times and it really drove me crazy!! Then in researching and praying I could related it to the forms in the above.
I would strongly suggest looking into the Orthodox understanding of the Trinity. The differences can be exaggerated, but there is a different emphasis that made a lot of sense to me. First, the Orthodox start with the basic scriptural datum of the persons of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit before delving into how these are one. Unity is understood as coming through the Father, Who is the ultimate arche: beginning, or origin. The Father is the principle without principle, the Son is begotten of the Father, and the Spirit proceeds from the Father. Thus, each Person has unity in the Father and is also distinguished by reference to Him. I would suggest any good Orthodox catechism.
Any orthodox catechisms in particular? How would the above fit with the Filioque?
The water example does help as well. I suppose I’m just asking because I overheard a conversation about how it would be impossible for an infinite (God) to become finite (Jesus)
The water example does help as well. I suppose I’m just asking because I overheard a conversation about how it would be impossible for an infinite (God) to become finite (Jesus)
It’s good to question that is how we understand.

If someone says 'God is all powerful, all Great, all Knowing, all amazing, all…etc. etc. etc." then say that God Can’t or couldn’t become man that would be contradicting themselves. Who are we to say God has limited abilites.
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