The Truth Shall Set You Free

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How do we as Catholics, respond to people who question us on how we know if Christianity is the TRUTH? How do we know its true? What examples can we show (any kinds), to demonstrate we possess the fulness of TRUTH? I’m looking forward to your answers! Thank you fellas! Our Lady of Victory, pray for us!
I am not sure what kind of proof you are looking for, but this is all that I personally need:

“And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church,* and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18

What church did Jesus build through Peter? The Catholic Church.

There is no other religion who can claim this.
What sort of answer are you looking for? Do you want an answer that convinces you? Do you want an answer that lets you trump a committed atheist is just wants to argue (do you just want to argue and ‘win’ or do you actually want to convince)? Do you want an argument for someone who is honestly questioning, feels pulled towards the something and doesn’t know whether that thing is the Catholic Church or not? Or is this in answer to a loud Protestant calling you an idolator?

An interesting question might be, honestly, why do you think the Church has the truth? Is it because you were told that by your parents and never questioned it? Is it because you felt the pull and just decided to accept what you think the Holy Spirit was telling you? Or was it some great apologetics argument?

The thing about philosophy generally and apologetics specifically is that different sorts of argument make sense to different people at different points in their lives. An argument that seems like a slam dunk to you now may seem just silly to you ten years later.

Likewise, if you’re arguing with someone in bad faith, really just ‘debating’, you aren’t going to convince anyone. And, frankly, by looking at the diversity of opinions on the matter, there isn’t a slam dunk argument that going to convince everyone. I mean, 50% of people raised Catholic leave the Church in the United States. Clearly, they’re not convinced.

The best you can hope for if what you want is something other than to argue well is, if you’re having the discussion with someone who is really open, listen to them, really listen, and see where they’re open to consider new ideas. For some people, it might be the historical arguments for Apostolic Succession. For others, it may be the weight of the Catholic intellectual tradition. For some, quoting Scripture about Peter being the Rock will resonate. A good Protestant will just quote Scripture right back at you and, being a good Protestant, probably knows their Scripture a lot better than a Catholic does and you won’t win.

In other words, it completely depends on who you’re talking to and what they’re open to.
There are a number of ways that people use to answer this question. One way is to give your personal testimony on why you are a Christian and how Jesus has made a difference in your life. This is probably the best way because people can’t really argue with your own testimony.

Another way is to look at the Liar, Lord, or Lunatic argument for Jesus from C. S. Lewis.

Also, there is the historical argument. Dr. William Lane Craig has a pretty decent defence of the historical validity of the Resurrection. As well as looking at other early Church history.

Also, reading the Saints is a good way to see Christianity is true.

Ultimately, the best way is to become a Christian and find out for oneself. To follow Jesus. Jesus said it was those who hold to his teachings that will know the truth that sets them free.

If you are interested “Ten Steps to Truth”, by Dr. Peter Kreeft is a good book for laying out such a process of coming to know truth of Christianity.
Not too long ago I came across a speaker on Youtube, Jennifer Fulwiler, she was raised in an atheist family and was a militant atheist until her late 20s-early 30s then converted to Catholicism. She began to search for the truth and something that she brought up, that made her really think about the authenticity for Christ was for thousands of years Jews held on to these religious rituals and social structures that they were persecuted for, they were willing to die for, then Jesus comes along, He was not from a rich and influential family, He taught for 3 years, was crucified with plenty of other men during that time, then weeks after his crucifixion thousands of Jews are following Him and are willing to change their social and religious structures that they held on to for so long, what explosive event happened to make them do that? Maybe they saw Christ risen from the dead? Think of all the early martyrs, you don’t die for something you know isn’t true. They had to have had some kind of experience. On top of that, all of the miracles of the Church…this speaker, who I have to agree with said “it’s the most reasonable belief system I’ve ever seen, reading the Catechism and the works of the Fathers of the Church was like reading the owners manual to the human soul.”
I think this woman’s facts are incorrect when she says that weeks after Jesus is crucified, thousands of Jews follow him.
Does she say where she got that information?

Well she is right. 50 days after His Resurrection 3000 were converted at Pentecost and 5000 were converted when Peter healed the lame man
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