The Two Guards

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The Two Guards
By Donald F Hudzinski

Chapter three of the book of Genesis is a story of guards. The first guard was Adam, who failed to protect the trees in the middle of the garden. The tree that Adam failed to protect was Eve, who bore the fruit of Cain and Abel, the tree of Good and Evil.

Now, it does appear that since the old guard, Adam failed, a new guard was assigned to guard the tree of everlasting life, that is Mary, whose fruit was Jesus.

This position of guard became the position of the office of High Priest, an office first held by Adam, whose replacement was Saint Joseph, who was replaced by Christ, who is now High Priest forever. In the book of Genesis, we see the assignment of the new High Priest, made by Jesus.

Now that we have set up the story correctly, it is time to read the exhortation by John Paul the Great. This exhortation is called, “Guardian of the Redeemer“.

Why is this so important, because men’s role in marriage is that of the guardian of the tree of life, a position they have failed at for some time. This is best said in the words of God “And blessed is the fruit of the womb”, but men of this day would rather curse this fruit.

Here is the link to the exhortation…
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