Hello, @Tis_Bearself, I stumbled upon this and thought you would be interested to know that British ambassadors and high commissioners are not “patronage positions”, but, rather, are professional diplomats. Kim Darroch joined the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 1976 and the Diplomatic Service in 1980. Before being appointed ambassador to the United States, he had served as National Security Advisor and, before that, as permanent representative to the European Union. Most of his work was connected with Europe, but he did have an early posting as first secretary in Japan.Meh, I’m not really interested in the opinions of “Sir” anybody, unless it’s Sir Paul McCartney discussing music. Ambassadors are patronage positions and are there to look good and not embarrass their country. Looks like this dude dropped the ball.
I suppose he could have turned down a knighthood, but it seems a little mean to take him less seriously just because he is called “Sir”!
Peace be with you.