The Ultimate Question to Life, the Universe, and Everything

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I apologize, DNA fans: you cannot always answer this one numerically.

But I’ve found it (I think). Here it is:

What’s important?

Think about it. Any time you have a problem or dilemna, ask this question, answer it honestly, and act accordingly. It may not be fun and it may not be easy but it will get you to where you need to be.

I was thinking about What’s true? for a while, but that one is implied:

What’s important? Truth is important. Then what is true?

I dunno… what do you guys think?
Well whats important to me on a large level.

I would say balance.
That got me to thinking what is balance, then I thought it is where everything has its place.

PS. whats a DNA fan?
I stopped getting my philoshpy from science fiction awhile ago, but I enjoyed the first two installments of the Hitchhiker’s Guide.

Why not pray? Why not go to visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament?

Life, death, sin, salvation and eternity defy being limited to one liners. The late great JPII is proof of that.

Open your heart and your mind will find truth and inspiriation at the foot of the cross, or before the Blessed Sacrament.
Hi cardenio, 😃

In response to your question, "What is truth? I offer this as the answer: :bible1:

Ephesians 1:13 (King James Version)
13In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

I think that answers the truth part, as to what’s important, I think that was answered in the same verse.

In His service,
“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes the Father except through me”
DNA is Douglas Neil Adams, author of hitchhiker’s guide. And the question did not come from his books, although the title of the thread did. A DNA fan would be someone who likes the works of Mr. Adams. And (according to his books), it’s not the Question but the Answer that’s 42.

My point was… any moral dilemna you face, you need to figure out what’s important and act accordingly. This will solve just about everything for you.

But your answer will not be the same all the time, e.g. “Should I do A or B?” Well, here, C is irrelevant.

As far as truth, I’m Catholic, so I think I’m pretty much okay in that department…

What’s important? Well, God is important. Truth is important.

Maybe I need to revise the question: What’s important and relevant to the current situation I’m trying to fix?
My point was… any moral dilemna you face, you need to figure out what’s important and act accordingly. This will solve just about everything for you.

But your answer will not be the same all the time, e.g. “Should I do A or B?” Well, here, C is irrelevant.
You are right. We have many choices in our lives that we have to make. Asking God to guide us through this life to make those right choices keeps us on the road to salvation. This is required. This is where you find the truth.
What’s important? Well, God is important. Truth is important.
Have you ever thought of reading any of the great Catholic philosophers? Like Augustine and Aquinas? They delve into these very ideas with an indepth look at them. They are heavy reading but you might enjoy them.
What’s important and relevant to the current situation I’m trying to fix?
Do you have a current situation you are trying to fix or is this another philosophical question?
Do you have a current situation you are trying to fix or is this another philosophical question?
Not really. But with this, oh, I have reasoned myself out of so many picky little sins. I’ve trained myself so that this question automatically pops up. And with a lot of things, I have to say to myself “This is hurting me and an insult to God, besides contradicting reason.” It is very difficult for me to (consciously) dismiss reason with an explicit “I do not care.” And so I clam up and get really stubborn. I’ve fought myself over eating a cookie. Stared at it for a good five minutes after convincing myself that if I ate it I would prove myself an idiot. But I really, really wanted it.

Socrates would have a field day with this.
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