Keep in mind that I don’t claim that miracles can’t happen. I haven’t come across any good evidence either way so I’m completely agnostic on the issue.
Oh, but I am not talking about existence of miracles.
This is the claim that is claimed with “certainty and objectivity” and without “scientific evidence” (actually, without any evidence):
If you want to claim certainty and objectivity, then we should expect scientific evidence.
Yes, that one. It seems to be self-undermining.
Can you support it with “scientific evidence”? Or would you prefer to weaken it instead?
Your point would be valid if we are more concerned with explainability, but instead I’m more concerned with observation under rigorous controls.
By itself, what you are concerned about is none of our business.
That latter part can be done for single occurrences if you select and follow participants from the start to finish
You cannot have “scientific peer-reviewed replicated studies” when you have a sample of one. You might have a “case study”, but 1) that’s very similar to what we already have, 2) who (which journal) would publish it?
(I’d personally end the study after a year… Jesus healed ON DEMAND so why even wait that long???)
No, Jesus did not make miracles on
demand. For example, see Matthew 16:1-4 (including “A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign: and a sign shall not be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet. And he left them, and went away.”).
And that’s the point: the evidence is already available. Use it. Show us what you can do with it.
I’d prefer a prospective study design where the outcome is not known (no cure from a miracle yet), select a group of diseased patients, make sure the only intervention is prayer, and keep track from there.
No, if you would actually prefer that, you would be asking how to get funds for this experiment.
Seriously, are we supposed to believe that in demands of the type “Evidence! More evidence! I refuse to believe unless I get more evidence!” the key word is “evidence”? No, it is obvious that the key word is “refuse”.
So, again - why don’t you show us what you can do with the evidence you have?