The Virtue of Justice Explained, by Bobby, sincere devout Catholic husband - father

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Peace be with you. Blessed Devout Holy Week in Jesus Beloved Savior.
Here is the link to the youtube video.

Here is my comment on the youtube video page.

GOD Bless you, Bobby & Jackie & family! Thank you so very much! Venerated Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, (found completely innocent of putting children in danger, BTW), spoke well of Divine Favor (Grace) receiving by Grace led act of the will laity like you.
He taught that the universal call to honest devout Godliness, love of GOD and neighbor, the laity will be instrumental in the survival of The Church through our difficult times.
Bishop Sheen also spoke of a rhetorical war during these times with a worldly radical secular humanist moral relativist culture of death playing at heartstrings community organizing collectivist mentality - with seeming humanitarian solutions mimicking the Messiah caring for the poor & marginalized on one side and non duped believers of Grace led faith on the other side. Sadly, however, Bishop Sheen spoke of a so-called new humanitarian counter-Church within The Church, so pervasive & seemingly kind & Godly that few would recognize it, but as we have seen it is complacent toward the collectivist radical secular humanist moral relativist culture of death, which using the thirst for justice to dupe many into fallible human reason solutions that have failed since time immemorial.
Bishop Sheen, also, unashamedly on Life is Worth Living spoke of the infiltration of The Church before the whole world. Nowadays this is painted as ‘tin hat’ conspiracy theory by many. He taught that the Devil will not come in as a horned, red cape, pitchfork monster, but as an ear-tickling humanitarianism playing at heartstrings luring deception. The counter-Church will diminish growth in Grace led growth in virtue for individuals & families and focus on collectivist ascendency seeming solutions to humankind’s problems - painting a seductive false idea of JESUS The Son of GOD, Savior of humanity. Thus the revisiting of The Mock Trial of JESUS grows to a fever pitch, with most in day to day concerns for family & concern for the common good not even aware of this.
However, we need not worry. Just keep diligently fighting the good fight. We have not been left orphans. Peace.
“We all like sheep have gone astray, each one has turned to his own way, and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” - Isaiah 53:6
“For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.” - 1 Peter 2:25
“Then Jesus told them this parable: “What man among you, if he has a hundred sheep and loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the pasture and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders, comes home, and calls together his friends and neighbors to tell them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my lost sheep!’ In the same way, I tell you that there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous ones who do not need to repent.” - Luke 15:3-7
P. S. Notice how JESUS Beloved The Good Sheperd does not get in league with sinners nor give them honorable positions → however calls them to turn toward GOD in love and devoutness to grow in Godliness. After the repentance, then, as The Good Book says, God honors those who honor GOD. Have a Blessed Holy Week.
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Well, discussing justice (the common good in a right ordered way),
must have the premise of Eternal truth or the discussion has an increased tendency to fall into circuitous human opinions.
It seems, human beings like to feel justified by opinions of helping the common good. But sometimes this sense of well being has an immense denial of opposing Eternal beauty, truth, and goodness without meaning to do so.
discussions in this forum are no exception. We each need to strive for unbiased truth or be blinded by the error in denying this. Peace.
" Truth is eternal
This dethronement of truth includes several grave errors. First,
there is the error of replacing the never superannuated and Nobel
impact of truth, especially the fundamental metaphysical and religious
truth, with the short-lived sociological efficacy and the historical
fashionableness of an idea.
The eternal unchanging nobility and attraction of truth, of which
St. Augustine says, ‘ Quod disiderat anima fortius quam veritatem?
(What does not our soul desire more than truth?), is no longer
understood. It has been forgotten that compared with this
intrinsic life of truth, the mere sociological reality of an idea is a
one-day fly, un ephemeral being destined to be replaced by other
ideas, other than currents and attitudes, after a longer or shorter
passage of time.
: source: “ Trogan Horse in the City of GOD: The Catholic Crisis Explained ,” 1993 Printing by Dietrich von Hildebrand, authorized by his wife Alice von Hildebrand with a foreword by John Cardinal O’Connor.
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