This is my first time posting here. I am curious as to see what type of response I might get to a question I have in regards to the vocation of marriage. I am married for 15 years and have had to deal with ongoing infidelity for the past 15 months. We have pretty much utilized every possible life line to save our marriage yet he still returns to this woman in times of weakness or sin. We have had continuous counseling and spiritual direction from our priest. My question is when is it okay to accept that a spouse has a problem which he or she needs to fix and separation is necessary. I guess I would like to know if there is anyone who has been through this in their marriage and how they decided to go or continue to stay in a marriage that continues to have infidelity issues. I feel like I have done everything I truly can to help save my marriage and when it comes to the infidelity I am powerless over it, aside from fervent prayers. It has affected my mental health. I want to do the right thing for my vocation and my family but when is enough, enough? I basically have a priest telling me to stick by him and my vocation and be his anchor otherwise he will fall prey to the sin again. My family is telling me to leave. I feel as though I am being torn in two. To make matters worse we have four children. My husband has cut off his relationship for the fourth and what he says is the final time but I have heard this all before. I am wondering if I am enabling him to continue this behavior by staying and being his anchor. Who is supposed to be my anchor during all of this? I am so confused and need any and all advice I can get. I am going to be going on a silent retreat for Lent next weekend and hope that God gives me some sort of clarity there. I appreciate any and all thoughts, suggestions, and insights into this issue.
God Bless,
God Bless,