I subscribe to the Wanderer because it contains news that I can’t find gathered anywhere else.
thewandererpress.com/ and miss it if arrives on Monday instead of Friday. It is faithful to the Magesterium. Each issue has a photo of a church on page one, the English text of the Pope’s general audience, a teaching on the Gospel, “Washington Watch” by Joseph Sobran
sobran.com/wanderer/ , a column called “Catholic Replies”, an editorial by Pat Buchanan, “First Teachers” by James K. Fitzpatrick, “From the Mail”, “News Notes”, “What Does the Prayer Really Say” and a book review. It also has editorials from the paper staff, and original articles.
The Sept. 22, 2005 issue: “The Bishops’ ‘Child-Safety’ Official Member of the Pro-Abort Lobby”, “Forbes Magazine Examines Catholics in Crisis”, “Seminary Investigation Will Focus on Homosexuals, Dissidents”, “Arizona Pro-Life Conference Hears of Progress, Conversion”, “USCCB Takes Hard Line On Child Safety Programs”, “Pope Benedict XVI…Only Dialogue, Peace Can give World a Future”, “It’s Time to End the Roe V. Wade Litmus Test”, “The 1930s Nuns Were Right About Western Civilization”, and much more.