The Wanderer

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Do any of you subscribe to the Wanderer?.
I know a priest who would not have this paper in his Church. In fact he threw a bunch of copies in the trash.
I guess if you are a Catholic with liberal leanings, the Wanderer is a nightmare.
Do any of you subscribe to the Wanderer?.
I know a priest who would not have this paper in his Church. In fact he threw a bunch of copies in the trash.
I guess if you are a Catholic with liberal leanings, the Wanderer is a nightmare.
I am not a subscriber to the Wanderer. In fact, if I cannot get it any news source on-line, I do not read it.

As for the priest who threw it in the trash. If he is a truely a liberal, keep a log of all his infractions against the teachings and disiplines of the Church. After a certain number of infraction, send him a letter (be nice about it) with the infractions and ask him to correct these infractions in the future. If he does not or he retaliates against you, report him to the Bishop.

I read a few issues years ago. I believe it was orthodox, but I found it a bit gloomy. Too focused on problems and not enough positive articles. I wouldn’t subscribe. --KCT
I subscribe to the Wanderer because it contains news that I can’t find gathered anywhere else. and miss it if arrives on Monday instead of Friday. It is faithful to the Magesterium. Each issue has a photo of a church on page one, the English text of the Pope’s general audience, a teaching on the Gospel, “Washington Watch” by Joseph Sobran , a column called “Catholic Replies”, an editorial by Pat Buchanan, “First Teachers” by James K. Fitzpatrick, “From the Mail”, “News Notes”, “What Does the Prayer Really Say” and a book review. It also has editorials from the paper staff, and original articles.

The Sept. 22, 2005 issue: “The Bishops’ ‘Child-Safety’ Official Member of the Pro-Abort Lobby”, “Forbes Magazine Examines Catholics in Crisis”, “Seminary Investigation Will Focus on Homosexuals, Dissidents”, “Arizona Pro-Life Conference Hears of Progress, Conversion”, “USCCB Takes Hard Line On Child Safety Programs”, “Pope Benedict XVI…Only Dialogue, Peace Can give World a Future”, “It’s Time to End the Roe V. Wade Litmus Test”, “The 1930s Nuns Were Right About Western Civilization”, and much more.
Well, in fairness to the priest, I think that there are probably a good number of quite orthodox clerics who would rather not have The Wanderer in their parish racks, also. Afterall, it is a generally hard right take on the Church which, though some like that, doesn’t always approach matters with the best balance or light. Certainly a liberal pastor would not care for it; but asking that it not be placed there, alone, isn’t necessarily an indicator that the pastor is a leftist Churchman.
I like The Wanderer.
I think it’s time to re-subscribe.
Love, Jaypeeto3
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