I’ve been meditating on the riches of our Catholic traditions of prayer after reading through the comments in the Centering Prayer thread and the thread I started on memorization and I have to say that I’ve never really realized before just how much we have in our tradition just when it comes to prayer. So I thought I’d make a list of different types of prayers that Catholics do. Please feel free to add anything I’ve left out since I’m sure there is much more and I’d love to hear about your favorite forms of prayer and how you practice them.
I think Mass is our ultimate community prayer, culminating in the reception of the Eucharist, but since Mass is an obligation I thought it would be interesting to look at the things that we choose to do on our own or with others.
Eucharistic Adoration
Liturgy of the Hours
The Rosary
Lectio Divina
My favorite is the Rosary as it is the Rosary that brought be back home to Catholicism, but Eucharistic Adoration is quickly growing in my esteem and I think it would already be my favorite devotion if I were able to attend Eucharistic Adoration as easily as I can pray the Rosary. I hope there is a big surge in Perpetual Adoration during the Year of the Eucharist because I would love to know that I can go and sit with Jesus anytime of the day or night.
As for the Rosary, I currently pray at least one set of mysteries daily. I joined the Confraternity and right now I’m using the 105 Live streams of Vatican Radio to teach myself the Rosary prayers in Latin. My relationship with the Rosary grows ever deeper the more I explore how to pray it with mindfulness. I have read the Pope’s document on the Rosary and I’ve just started reading Montfort’s Secrets of the Rosary and they’ve both really opened my eyes a lot to the riches of the Rosary and how it draws us ever closer to Christ and his Blessed Mother.
Now please share your favorite devotions with me as I’d love to learn more
I think Mass is our ultimate community prayer, culminating in the reception of the Eucharist, but since Mass is an obligation I thought it would be interesting to look at the things that we choose to do on our own or with others.
Eucharistic Adoration
Liturgy of the Hours
The Rosary
Lectio Divina
My favorite is the Rosary as it is the Rosary that brought be back home to Catholicism, but Eucharistic Adoration is quickly growing in my esteem and I think it would already be my favorite devotion if I were able to attend Eucharistic Adoration as easily as I can pray the Rosary. I hope there is a big surge in Perpetual Adoration during the Year of the Eucharist because I would love to know that I can go and sit with Jesus anytime of the day or night.
As for the Rosary, I currently pray at least one set of mysteries daily. I joined the Confraternity and right now I’m using the 105 Live streams of Vatican Radio to teach myself the Rosary prayers in Latin. My relationship with the Rosary grows ever deeper the more I explore how to pray it with mindfulness. I have read the Pope’s document on the Rosary and I’ve just started reading Montfort’s Secrets of the Rosary and they’ve both really opened my eyes a lot to the riches of the Rosary and how it draws us ever closer to Christ and his Blessed Mother.
Now please share your favorite devotions with me as I’d love to learn more