Are there any fans of the wheel of time series? I read the first couple books and thought they were alright. I think it is a little slow and drawn out.
I read the first two and thought they were OK. Started the third but when figured out that the lead character’s issue wasn’t going to get resolved any time soon. At that point there were 10 books. Not sure why the author hasn’t figured out how to write an ending.Are there any fans of the wheel of time series? I read the first couple books and thought they were alright. I think it is a little slow and drawn out.
Yeh that is pretty much what happened with me. I started the third and then realized that he was on ten and going strong. I just figured I would pick it up when he got close to finishing writing them. Now that it is set that 12 is the last maybe I will finish them.I read the first two and thought they were OK. Started the third but when figured out that the lead character’s issue wasn’t going to get resolved any time soon. At that point there were 10 books. Not sure why the author hasn’t figured out how to write an ending.
I enjoyed the first, and loved the second. Numbers three through six had far more good points than bad. Seven and eight suffered from an ENORMOUS lack of competent editing. Nine got better, especially at the end and ten was pretty good. Eleven advanced the story significantly – probably the best in 10 years.Are there any fans of the wheel of time series? I read the first couple books and thought they were alright. I think it is a little slow and drawn out.