I remember seeing the *Concert for George (Harrison) *many years ago, and how my mom said that when he was dying he had “gurus” helping him through the “death process”. Stephen Prothero has a book in which he mentions the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Having never read the book, he relies on a friend’s account of what it says. Anyway, Mr. Prothero says that in this Tibetan Buddhist classic a person is instructed to accept the “white light” as part of himself. If he cannot do this, many Buddhas will appear to him, sometimes frighteningly scary. If he is unable to accept these Buddhas as himself, he will have a vision of animals mating and humans having ciotis, and he will be absorbed into the scene and then reincarnated as either an animal or another new human.
I have two questions:
I have two questions:
- Does this book really saw this?
- How are Christians to think, and when the time comes, react to the “white light”