Yeah that’s what we thought too. As you see below on our chart, both days that we had intercourse were dry days. Now there is a long lasting debate as to whether we conceived BEFORE my wife ovulated or AFTER. Either way both were dry days, so that logic doesn’t hold for us. There is a way that my boys can survive. I don’t know how but they do. Any insight into our chart is more than welcome, but understand the reason why we’re being so cautious is because of this chart.
sorry for all the writing over it.
Wow. Yup, Day 17 was right around her ovulation day.
I had multiple charts that look identical to this and have been abstaining during fertility successfully for about 2 years. My fertility returned 15 months ago (9 months post partum) and we resumed relations 6 weeks postpartum. With that in mind, I would like to chime in.
I use the STM method very successfully. I am not knocking Creighton (they know how to interpret CM very well!) But STM is going to work very well for your wife when she learns more about her body. Her temps are very important. I’ll explain in a moment. I am not a doctor, not even an NFP teacher, just a promotor. I promote it because it REALLY WORKS, and it is reeeeaallly healthy for a woman.
This is going to be one long post! Please forgive me. I am passionate!
First off, your wife has a low thyroid. This is very easy to see using STM. Any BBT below 97 is too low for a healthy woman. Her body is not able to store and “move” estrogen because of her thyroid. Her phase II is soooo unpredictable because her body has just enough estrogen to have signs of fertility but not enough estrogen to release an egg. I bet she is an ice cube on those mornings. I know I was! Kelp supplements will help bring her thyroid up. That temp on day 14 was showing she was finally building up enough estrogen to release an egg. She was entering her fertile phase here, not leaving it.
Second, she has scant cervical mucus. Unless she can produce a stretch, her CM is scant. She has enough to allow sperm migration, but probably not enough to ever have a truly lubricated feel. She might even have struggled with UTI’s and Yeast infections because of it. It makes reading CM very difficult because one can feel “dry” on a day of fertility. Get her flax oil pills (or better yet straight out of the bottle, but eeww, yuck I couldn’t handle it that way!) And feed her salmon until she thinks she might grow gills herself.
Thirdly, she has some inadequate luteal phases. Her corpus luteum is not putting out enough progesterone to maintain some of her phase III’s. A 26 day cycle is far more likely to be an inadequate luteal phase than an early ovulation especially looking at her other symptoms. Get her vitamin B6 supplements and pray she likes tomatoes. Tomatoes are very helpful in fixing luteal phases. Use freshly juiced if possible. Cooking or cooling tomatoes kills some of the benefits.
Lastly, she must learn to check for cervical height changes, firmness changes, and open/close changes. Post partum those are going to be her most reliable symptoms. STM users should not be afraid of the other signs. They are used for cross-check. STM users need to get a Creighton understanding of cervix and Creighton users need to check their temps for thyroid. We need to work together on this to help all women have as healthy lives as possible. God gave our bodies these wonderful markers of our health we need to really use them!
Yes sir, get TCOYF and ignore (big letters IGNORE) the contraception parts. The book that got me started in my research was Fertility, Cycles, and Nutrition by Marilyn Shannon. Then I read most, if not all, her sources. Seek out a nutritionist and a doctor who will actually help her overcome her health issues not just try to mask them with artificial hormones.
Please use this time of abstinence to do the research. Help your wife to have the best health possible. I bet she just feels “fine” most of the time. She probably doesn’t even know what it is like to actually feel really good. She might even think that those horrible low temps are just normal. She might even not realize it is possible to really feel energetic. I used to just survive on adrenaline thinking I could just will myself to feel like everyone else seemed to feel. It made me so exhausted!
Okay. I think I am done. If any of this sounds familiar please feel free to PM me. As you can probably tell I am not shy and very passionate about this subject.
whew! I think I hurt my brain.