I am always amazed and somewhat confused over the nature of our One God, yet 3 persons,
Some have argued that the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament are different. But God never changes.
How is it that Jesus Christ, God the Son is more “slow to anger” than God the Father seemed to be ?
For example, it is hard for me to grasp that in the Old Testament God permitted the slaughter of Israel’s first born in Exodus and then permitted the slaughter of Egypt’s firstborn.
Also, in the battles that Israel fought during their
entry into the land of Canaan, they were instructed to destroy those who dwelt in the land,
including women and children.
Also, does God care at all about the sufferings of people such as in the Sudan or that happened to Christians in Turkey in the early 20th century or is He just concerned about the spiritual life and people going to Heaven ?
Why does it take Him so long to act, such as acting in time and history ?
In Exodus He told Moses that He heard the cries of His people Isreal in Egypt ?
I am always amazed and somewhat confused over the nature of our One God, yet 3 persons,
Some have argued that the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament are different. But God never changes.
How is it that Jesus Christ, God the Son is more “slow to anger” than God the Father seemed to be ?
For example, it is hard for me to grasp that in the Old Testament God permitted the slaughter of Israel’s first born in Exodus and then permitted the slaughter of Egypt’s firstborn.
Also, in the battles that Israel fought during their
entry into the land of Canaan, they were instructed to destroy those who dwelt in the land,
including women and children.
Also, does God care at all about the sufferings of people such as in the Sudan or that happened to Christians in Turkey in the early 20th century or is He just concerned about the spiritual life and people going to Heaven ?
Why does it take Him so long to act, such as acting in time and history ?
In Exodus He told Moses that He heard the cries of His people Isreal in Egypt ?