While a group of men from a water mitigation company were here today one of them asked me if I was Catholic. I was trying to figure out how he guessed. He saw the sacramentals all over my wall I suppose but then I saw the St. Francis statue, but that’s not usually the sign. Later I realized I was wearing my Franciscan University t-shirt…dah.
Anyway, I asked are you Catholic too. He said yes. So since he brought it up I asked him what church he goes to. He replied “I don’t go to church”. I looked at him strange and baffled knowing this to be far to common and said “WHy?” I then explained to him how we risked communion with our own family to become Catholic and we always get baffled at people that say their Catholic yet don’t practice their faith. We are somewhat the outcasts in our fundamentalist family now. So I proceded to share and then the party was broke up with insurance questions… so I never got a chance to finish.
This is the group of people I especially want to minister to.
Anyway, I asked are you Catholic too. He said yes. So since he brought it up I asked him what church he goes to. He replied “I don’t go to church”. I looked at him strange and baffled knowing this to be far to common and said “WHy?” I then explained to him how we risked communion with our own family to become Catholic and we always get baffled at people that say their Catholic yet don’t practice their faith. We are somewhat the outcasts in our fundamentalist family now. So I proceded to share and then the party was broke up with insurance questions… so I never got a chance to finish.
This is the group of people I especially want to minister to.