The title of this thread “Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked…” refers to the necessary details of Original Sin.
The opening verses of Genesis, chapter three, present the facts of a broken relationship between humanity and Divinity. Verse 7 is not necessarily shame of one’s bare anatomy. It is the necessary guilt which comes from the deliberate act of disobedience, that is, Adam, the creature, scorned God, his Creator.
When Adam and Eve lived in harmony with God because they lived in obedience to God, creation was seen as good. Genesis 1: 31. When the act of disobedience occurred, Adam and Eve did not feel right in God’s presence. Their understandable reaction was to hide from God’s presence. Genesis 3:10
When reading Genesis 3: 7, we can feel the shock wave following the disastrous effects of Original Sin. There is a natural desire to protect ourselves or maybe cover ourselves. Or maybe in the case of Adam and Eve to cover up their sinfulness.
Ages ago, a friend of mine decided to give up beer for Lent. This meant that she did not buy her normal beer supply from the small neighborhood store. Obviously, the owner was concerned about this change in habit. So my friend told him about giving it up for Lent, mentioning God. The store owner suggested that if she was worried about God seeing her sneak some beer during Lent, she should drink it in the basement.
There was no basement in the Garden. If there had been one, I am sure Adam and Eve would be there in a New York minute. They knew they had sinned. They understood their own guilt and thus did what was possible to hide their sin – cover themselves because being naked, God would see their sin filled choice.