Theologians and Salary

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Recently, I’ve decided that I’d like to make theology my major when I go to college (if I get in, a whole other story). I’m not sure exactly what I’d like to do with it but I would like to serve the Church as a theologian. I really would like to avoid teaching at all costs, but I don’t know if this is possible because really the only jobs I’ve seen theologians have are as professors or priests who work for the Church in some fashion. But, I don’t want to be a priest. Anyway, my mother approves of my choice but in her mind she doesn’t think it will provide enough for me financially. Two of my best friends want to be a lawyer and an engineer and my mother always says, “See, they’ll be secure FOR LIFE” In her mind it’s her impression that theologians just make enough to get by. Is this true? How much does the average theologian make a year? Just wanted some information to refute my mother’s claims because I know she’s wrong and it upsets me when I know she thinks I won’t be making enough money.
I’m lay Catholic woman studying theology. I’ll be graduating from my undergraduate program in April. Although I have no idea what I’m going to do with my degree I have no regrets.

Yes, job. Oh, yeah. That bit.

The game plan (unless God’s game plan is different) is to pursue graduate studies in theology and hopefully work for a diocese or teach at a Catholic college or university.

I wouldn’t worry too much, study what God has given you a passion for and he will find you the job.
I cant remember where I heard this or read it but I believe that the USCCB was (or is) working on some guidelines for lay people to run parishes.

The plan, which some dioceses are already doing, is for this pastoral administrator to have a Masters in Theology.
. Anyway, my mother approves of my choice but in her mind she doesn’t think it will provide enough for me financially. Two of my best friends want to be a lawyer and an engineer and my mother always says, “See, they’ll be secure FOR LIFE” In her mind it’s her impression that theologians just make enough to get by. .
well I know a lot of lawyers and engineers who are teaching school, changing oil, selling insurance or real estate, waiting tables or standing in unemployment lines. There are no guarantees, and anybody who enters the job market expecting a guarantee is going to be disappointed some day.

If God is calling you to be a theologian, go for it, but just like any other vocational path, find out all you can about it, what career paths are open to you, do the research.
well I know a lot of lawyers and engineers who are teaching school, changing oil, selling insurance or real estate, waiting tables or standing in unemployment lines. There are no guarantees, and anybody who enters the job market expecting a guarantee is going to be disappointed some day.

If God is calling you to be a theologian, go for it, but just like any other vocational path, find out all you can about it, what career paths are open to you, do the research.
You’re my new best friend puzzleannie … now if only I could get you to visit my parents and tell them that! 👍
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