From a theological perspective (i.e. not a scientific perspective), what is a human being?
This definition does not distinguish man sufficiently from brute animals, because brute animals are also comprised of body and soul. To be more specific, man should be defined as a created being comprised of a body and a rational soul. That should be sufficient from a philosophical standpoint. But because the OP asked for a theological definition, I added the final cause (or the purpose) of man’s existence, and that is, that man was created by God to be one with Him in a life of eternal happiness in Heaven.A created being comprised of a body and a soul.
When the soul separates from the body, the soul is still human, but it ceases to be a complete man. A separated soul does not become an angel. It is still a human soul, and it still keeps its transcendental relation to the body. It becomes a complete man again at the resurrection, when the soul reunites with the body.Interestingly, when one dies and the spirit/soul continues living, one is not any longer a human being until the resurrection of the body reunited to the soul!