Theology of the body article 9/8

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PJP II’s Theology of the Body is such a rich treasure!! Wanted to share a new article I found today.

What are these books really about? Contraception? Not exactly, no. This theology is not primarily about opposition to contraception, although the logic in favor of non-contraceptive marital union is easier to understand after encountering this teaching. In fact, the pope’s theology of the body is not primarily about sex. It sets sex in a larger context, addressing the whole person, dividing joints from marrow in the way it tackles lust, “nuptial meaning,” and masculinity and femininity. It is a fundamental account of the place of "human love in the divine plan."
Good point, sex is not an end in itself (like our secular society likes to portray). This is obvious in the after-effects of abortion, poverty and lawlessness of single-parent upbringing, etc. The Catholic Church always teaches things in the right perspective!

Our Holy Father is an incredible man. His ability to elevate the role of motherhood to the supernatural realm is just awesome.

I have become much more generous to my husband and son. I have learned more about marriage in the year since I started learning about the Theology of the Body than I did in the previous 18 years of marriage.

Even for an infertile couple like us, our conjugal love is more than just an encounter for selfish reasons.

People can say they don’t want the pope in their bedroom. Don’t flatter yourself, he doesn’t want to be there either. But all in all, I have learned a lot about marital love from that old, celibate Holy Man.

JPII, we love you! :love:

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