My question concerns the Theology of the Body as understood for the proper living out of the vocation of marriage. In order for a person/couple to be in good standing as a Catholic(s) (in the state of grace) is the person/couple oblidged to follow the Theology of the Body? I don’t mean in terms of NFP vs. contraception but in terms of the theology and abstinence. Example: a person has trust issues stemming from abuse in childhood and therefore has trouble trusting in general and within marriage as well and this also translates to sexual intimacy - the total giving of oneself is not something that comes very easily. In light of this, the person holds back from intimacy in general and sexually due to these past hurts and coming into a full healing over it - it is a great struggle. Therefore, total abstinence has become a way of life in the marriage over time. There is also the difficulty of pregnancies - miscarriages and high-risk pregnancies and the thought of having to deal with those factors again compounds the “need” for a total abstinence.
Would this marriage/person be considered a Catholic in bad standing or state of moral sin for living this way within marriage? Is this marriage even proper or vaild as it’s being lived? Any advice/info will be appreciated.
Thank you.
Would this marriage/person be considered a Catholic in bad standing or state of moral sin for living this way within marriage? Is this marriage even proper or vaild as it’s being lived? Any advice/info will be appreciated.
Thank you.