a priest of this diocese gave an excellent one hour exposition of the JP2’s teaching on TOB last night, it was excellent. He also produces regular newsletters distributed throughout the diocese on various Church teachings, and the last two have been on the same topic, applying it to specific issues, homosexual “marriage”, stem cell research etc. Neither he, nor West nor any other writer has a copyright on interpreting the writings of this pope or any other, on V2 dox or any other theological topic. This priest teaches like all priests through the authority of the bishops and the whole Church by virtue of his ordination to that office.
West and other laymen who teach and write on theological and doctrinal matters do so either under the authority of their bishop, as in Catholic colleges or other institutions, or by submitting works intended as textbooks to the bishop for approval, or through an approved Catholic apostolate, or simply on his own when he is producing materials intended for a general audience, giving his own reflections etc. These should be evaluated with the same standards we would use for any expository writer. The writers, and the readers, must take into account their own preconceptions and subjective experience and not mistake these for fact or objective truth.