theology origins

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Does anyone know how protestant ministers receive their ordination?
If they get it from a council where does the counsel members get their authority?
Is there a set panel of theologians who decide what’s correct for each denomination?

inquiring Catholic minds want to know…:hmmm:
I think it depends on the denomination. I was a Methodist and they required ministers to complete seminary before being ordained. The seminary did not have to be a specifically Methodist seminary but there were only certain denominations that were approved. If you were ordained, then the Methodist minister is basically guarantied a congregation. I know some denominations you graduate and then have to find your own church.

I believe some faiths don’t have any formal educational requirements. I sort of see some of the fundamentalist/pentacostal churches as being more concerned if you had the ‘gift’ to preach regardless of your education. But again these ministers must find and hold a congregation. I heard Rev James Forbes speak and he said that was the tradition in his church which was some kind of pentacostal southern church. I believe Rev Forbes went to Union Theological?? the one in New York but his dad was a preacher and I don’t believe he went through a formal seminary.

Not much help but hopefully something to chew on
Lisa N
As a former Presbyterian this is an issue that I never really thought about. Where did my minister get his authority from? I loved my protestant upbringing. My faith foundation was from bible based stories in sunday school. I just feel now as a Catholic I’ve begun to see that when you dig deeper as to why this was done or that was done you need more to the story. Where better to get that story than from the early church leaders passed down generation by generation.
thanks for the feedback.🙂
Within the past year, 4 churches started up. One I know personally, their preacher was just an ordinary member of the congregation when he said he felt God “calling” him to start a new church and preach the Gospel.

All one needs to start a church is a King James Bible and the ability to speak/influence people.
I have been Roman Catholic for 49 years. A few years ago a rather large Pentacostal Church was being erected about a mile from my home. There is a motorcycle shop near that Church. I was talking to the owner and asked who was that new pastor, I saw his name on the sign.

I was told that he was a contractor. He has built lots of houses in town. I asked how it was that he is a Reverand and a carpenter. I was told that the carpenter had traveled with two Evangelists (traveling preachers) for six months off and on. The two Evanagelists made him a preacher- ordained him. So in some Affiliations if two preachers agree, one can become a Reverand.
The two Evanagelists made him a preacher- ordained him. So in some Affiliations if two preachers agree, one can become a Reverand.
Have King James. Will preach. Drop by and ordain me, will ya, huh? 😛

Seriously, as a Southern Baptist, I attended an ordination. One preacher “ordained” the other. And I thought, “I can do that. He doesn’t have any more authority than I have!” I’d never heard of
Apostolic Succession, but I instinctively knew that something was wrong. I learned later that Baptists didn’t exist until 1607. The founder, John Smyth, baptized himself! (They didn’t start their trademark immersing until a split in 1644 created the Immersion Baptists.)

If you’ve never attended a Catholic ordination, try to get there in June. All Catholics are invited. Its a powerful experience. Apostolic Succession at work.

Ex-Southern Baptist, ex-agnostic, ex-atheist, ecstatic to be Catholic!
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