Theory about how to stop abortion in the US

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DH has a theory about how to stop abortion in the United States. He thinks that in order to stop abortion, we should kill Social Security. That way, people would have to either save up a lot of money or depend on their children (many of whom are being killed in the abortion holocaust). This makes sense to me. The Democrats cling to SS and they also cling to abortion…so it would take lots of prayers and diplomacy. What do you think? God bless you!

my Mother my Confidence,
Don’t get your hopes up… your idea doesn’t pencil out, politically or economically.

Since the child labor laws were passed and families moved off of the farm, kids have become money-losers. Getting rid of SS isn’t going to make abortions less attractive to the materialistic.

Besides, the whole notion sounds very hard-hearted… this is not what the pro-life movement is about, and it certainly won’t be an idea the Republican Party wants to run on.
If you kill Social Security, you will just end up with a Banana Republic. The rich will get even richer, and the poor will get even poorer. There are many people with such poor morals that they wouldn’t help their parents if they were dying on the sidewalk.

It is true, however, that abortion caused the Social Security problem. When people aborted their children, they were killing off the people that would be joining the work force 25 years down the road.

If you want fewer abortions, than at least create a system where every child has medical insurance and every mother can have a child without going financally bankrupt.

I am personally looking forward to receiving my Social Security check. It may not be much money, but it is much more reliable than my 403B that crashed with the stock market and my IRA’s that earn almost no interest.
For the idea to work you’d have to stop all retirement benefits accept from the care of your children. Stopping SS is not the answer because if that money were placed in individual accounts the people would come out with an income exceeding what SS might provide. That is why many government agencies and teachers do not pay into social security.

On the other hand, if we keep SS around, our children will be taxed outrageously to pay for it. I would not like to see such burdens on our children. For the sake of the children, something else needs to be done that will help provide for retirees.

Love & peace in Christ,
On the other hand, if we keep SS around, our children will be taxed outrageously to pay for it. I would not like to see such burdens on our children. For the sake of the children, something else needs to be done that will help provide for retirees.
Theoretically, applying the principle in the converse (reduction of social security recipients in a form of elder abortion) would solve the problem.

Practically speaking, that would be a difficult decision, though I could see it happening. Not that I advocate it. Perhaps the only other real option is rationing for the baby boomers. At least that would keep us from having to kill them off.

Though, I once did hear the satirical suggestion to have rationing of (rather than for) the elderly. The program could be called “grandparents for everybody”! And this would sort of take us back to the idea of the OP where each young person is personally responsible for their government apportioned grandma and grandpa.

It’s a fine mess you’ve created, Ollie!
I always liked the idea Fr. Corapi had and that was to put a perpetual adoration chapel next to every abortion clinic.

marty1818, I love that idea!! Fr. Corapi is a GENIUS.

Listener, you said that we should create a system where “every child has medical insurance and every mother can have a child without going financally bankrupt.” DH and I are unemployed so we’re poor enough that I got accepted for insurance through the state of Kansas (I forget whether that’s Medicaid or Medicare). There is insurance out there, and it covers preborn Baby and I. God bless you all!

my Mother my Confidence,
To stop abortion in the U.S. you must eliminate promiscuity. Then you will have the votes you need, but the problem will already have gone away so you’ll no longer need them.

Cut out the weed by its ugly roots, not by its ugly but much more visible fruit.

A stitch in time saves nine.

Listener, you said that we should create a system where “every child has medical insurance and every mother can have a child without going financally bankrupt.” DH and I are unemployed so we’re poor enough that I got accepted for insurance through the state of Kansas (I forget whether that’s Medicaid or Medicare). There is insurance out there, and it covers preborn Baby and I. God bless you all!
Wait…you and your family are living off of the state, and yet you would want to deny social security to future retirees who are right now paying taxes for your care? Honestly- if we end up with a bunch of senior citizens who are homeless and starving, how long do you think it will take our legislators to legalize “merciful euthanasia” to “end their suffering”? I really doubt that it would discourage abortions, either. We’d see a lot more of the attitude: “well, we can kill them now or let them suffer a long life with no hope and kill them later”.

I certainly don’t have a problem with insurance for low income moms and children, but many retirees are also low income. Many of them were promised benefits by their workplaces, only to now see those promises and benefits disappearing because the companies aren’t bringing in enough profit to ensure that the CEOs aren’t all bringing in 7-figure salaries. Many seniors already have to choose whether it’s more important to eat or to buy life-saving prescription meds each week, and this is after they’ve received their social security check. These are the people who paid taxes so that we could go to school, have city services, etc. Many of them are the parents (and grandparents, aunts, uncles) who raised us, the doctors and nurses who treated us, the neighbors who watched us, the teachers who taught us, the police officers and firefighters who protected us, the manufacturers who worked long hours in dangerous conditions so that we could have things to buy in stores. To do away with the only source of income for many of them is cruelty.
I have my own theory of how to stop many, if not most, abortions. In this state (Okla.) births, deaths, marriages and divorces are all public records. Just add abortions to the public records.
Wait…you and your family are living off of the state, and yet you would want to deny social security to future retirees who are right now paying taxes for your care? Honestly- if we end up with a bunch of senior citizens who are homeless and starving, how long do you think it will take our legislators to legalize “merciful euthanasia” to “end their suffering”? I really doubt that it would discourage abortions, either. We’d see a lot more of the attitude: “well, we can kill them now or let them suffer a long life with no hope and kill them later”.

I certainly don’t have a problem with insurance for low income moms and children, but many retirees are also low income. Many of them were promised benefits by their workplaces, only to now see those promises and benefits disappearing because the companies aren’t bringing in enough profit to ensure that the CEOs aren’t all bringing in 7-figure salaries. Many seniors already have to choose whether it’s more important to eat or to buy life-saving prescription meds each week, and this is after they’ve received their social security check. These are the people who paid taxes so that we could go to school, have city services, etc. Many of them are the parents (and grandparents, aunts, uncles) who raised us, the doctors and nurses who treated us, the neighbors who watched us, the teachers who taught us, the police officers and firefighters who protected us, the manufacturers who worked long hours in dangerous conditions so that we could have things to buy in stores. To do away with the only source of income for many of them is cruelty.
I am totally against euthanasia!! Please don’t assume that. I mourned for Terri Schiavo as many other Catholics did when she was killed by her husband and the state of Florida.
I neglected to say that there should be a financial solution for the elderly in the US who depend on social security. I like the idea of personal accounts, especially since DH and I are young and there won’t be enough $ for us by the time we’re grandparents and DH is ready to retire. I just don’t know enough politics and economics to think of a financial solution for those who currently depend on SS. Please don’t assume that I want elderly who depend on SS to be homeless. That is the last thing that I want! They should be cared for by their families, and if they have no families…let’s hope the hospices and old folks’ homes get better than the way they are now (I’m thinking of hospices like Terri Schiavo’s in Florida). If I had the time and mental stamina to visit elderly in old folks’ homes (I don’t remember the proper name for it), I would. I did that while in middle school as part of the required volunteer time for Confirmation and it was very hard to do. I admire those who volunteer for elderly and are willing to be right there with them, listening to stories of their lives and praying with them.

my Mother my Confidence,
To stop abortion in the U.S. you must eliminate promiscuity. Then you will have the votes you need, but the problem will already have gone away so you’ll no longer need them.

Cut out the weed by its ugly roots, not by its ugly but much more visible fruit.

A stitch in time saves nine.

Amen, Alan! Chastity speakers are much more effective than the comprehensive sex ed that is allowed in America’s public schools. (shudder) Teenagers and young adults need to be taught morals, and that they are better than animals in heat…we humans have the capability (though it is hard) to practice self-restraint and get to know each other instead of dating, falling in to sexual sin, dating again, etc.

my Mother my Confidence,
We will never get rid of abortions as long as we accept contraception. Contraception denies the procreative aspect of the union of husband and wife and relegates it to a purely recreational activity. In the contraceptive mentality children are no longer seen as a blessing but a unwanted side effect of the marital act. Abortion is required because contraception will fail at times and then since children are not seen as good the problem must be removed.

The sexual act is meant to imitate the self donation that our heavenly spouse, Jesus, offers us. We are to give all that we have to give to our spouse and not to hold anything back, which includes that which is necessary for the creation of new life. Christ in the Eucharist gives all that he is (body, blood, soul and divinity) to us. He does not hold anything back.
We will never get rid of abortions as long as we accept contraception. Contraception denies the procreative aspect of the union of husband and wife and relegates it to a purely recreational activity. In the contraceptive mentality children are no longer seen as a blessing but a unwanted side effect of the marital act. Abortion is required because contraception will fail at times and then since children are not seen as good the problem must be removed.

The sexual act is meant to imitate the self donation that our heavenly spouse, Jesus, offers us. We are to give all that we have to give to our spouse and not to hold anything back, which includes that which is necessary for the creation of new life. Christ in the Eucharist gives all that he is (body, blood, soul and divinity) to us. He does not hold anything back.
Steven, you are a wise man. Here are two Catholic pamphlets I put online last weekend:
Dear coralewisjr

Thanks for the complement. The pamphlets where very intresting and also very true. The second one was from 1983 and yet they could see clearly the results of wide spread use of contraception. There is a tape series by Dr. Janet Smith "Humanae Vitae: Making Happier, Healthier families " put out by St. Joseph communications. Inc. That is excellent. Also Humanae Vitae 25 years later by the same author. Which is more in depth than the tapes.
The rich will get even richer, and the poor will get even poorer.
A land where the poor get fed thru a straw and the children are killed… doesnt sound like a land of oppurtunity to me…
Dear coralewisjr

Thanks for the complement. The pamphlets where very intresting and also very true. The second one was from 1983 and yet they could see clearly the results of wide spread use of contraception. There is a tape series by Dr. Janet Smith "Humanae Vitae: Making Happier, Healthier families " put out by St. Joseph communications. Inc. That is excellent. Also Humanae Vitae 25 years later by the same author. Which is more in depth than the tapes.
Cool! I’ve heard “Contraception Why Not” and own a copy or two but I haven’t heard “Humanae Vitae: Making Happier, Healthier Families”. Do you know how I can get a free or inexpensive copy?

my Mother my Confidence,
you could probalbly check st. Josphes communications. I know produced them I am not sure of the cost.
  1. outlaw abortion.
  3. outlaw “separation of morality and state”
  4. outlaw the hypersexualization of TV, media, etc.
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