There And Back Again...Again

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WOW! Cheers

Gotta say, I’m loving this new layout! ^___^

I joined this site a few months ago, but a few life changes- i.e. another job, and just general busyness distracted me to the point where I just kinda…haven’t been on. But lots of soul-searching has brought me back, along with my fascination for the Catholic faith! (Though I am still not a Catholic) Shuffles feet, shyly 😳

Whenever I drive by the local Catholic Church, though, and see that beautiful building (Golly, your architecture is beautiful~ ) I feel a twinge of… longing, and- well- I’m sure I look like a sad puppy as I stare at those doors!

Shrugs 🙂 Hopefully soon I’ll gather the courage to go inside, one of these days,hehe! :confused: 😊😳

I hope all of you beautiful peeps are doing well, and now that I’m back, I’m looking forward to learning more about the faith, and maybe strengthening my own in the process~
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Welcome to CAF! And welcome back!

If I may make a suggestion, contact your local Catholic church and ask about how to become a Catholic. They have a program called RCIA, which stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. In this program, they can teach you what you need to know and get you prepared for baptism, if you haven’t already been baptized, and to be received into the Catholic Church.

Keep in mind that Catholic Answers Forums is a somewhat unregulated internet forum, and is not the most reliable and trustworthy source of information about Catholicism. There are all kinds of people here with sometimes different ideas. Be ready to examine what you find here, and sort out the truth from the junk.

I am praying for you. May the Holy Spirit assist and guide you always toward faith, hope, and love.
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(^__^) Thank you for the advice, the kind welcome and prayers~

The great part is, I already know a lot of the people that go there! I see them at my place of work, and - (This is what makes it so silly that I’m so nervous to go) they’ve all invited me to sit with them, if I decide to go to mass~ Sniffles they’re all super sweet! 😳
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