Feanaro's Wife:
Just a thought:
Are you sure there really* is* favoritism?
I only ask because I have one sister (younger by 6 years) and we are both convinced that the other is the favorite. And, depending on perspective, we each are in our own way.
Not that it matters much, as the other posters have already pointed out that there is nothing you can do.
But, if the favoritism isn’t really as bad as it seems, you could help your girlfiend alot by offering a different perspective. Could her brother actually find reason to believe that she is the favorite? I think it is worth exploring.
Yes, I’m sure.
Basically, she is not living up to her mother’s expectations. Her mother was very much into the whole “all-American” high school experience; went to prom all four years, was a cheerleader, etc…
My gf is not the picture of feminity her mother wants her to be, so to speak. She owns maybe 2 skirts and only wears them if forced or if I beg and plead. She doesnt wear make-up in spite of her mother’s pleading and most definitly will never be any sort of cheerleader.
Her parents also believe she doesnt study nearly enough, despite her B+ average and tons of extracurriculars, so they decided they wouldnt pay for her college education after promising her they would as long as she wouldnt get a job. Now her mother, according to my gf, is trying to influence her not to go to college at all. I should also mention she was repeatedly told she wasnt good enough to get into Madison and other schools (she doesnt want to go to Madison anyways. Which is good, I suppose, cause I’d probly smother her to death).
Her parents never go with her to her after school activities, as numerous as they are. They only started to go see the marching band at football games when her brother joined.
I dont know…maybe I’m reading too much into it and/or I’m not getting the whole story…I’m obviously very biased. And its not that her brother is a bad guy or does anything to perpetuate it, he’s just, well, annoying. I do definately feel that her mom feels almost disappointed with her, but she also seems to like me a lot, strange.
I’m not part of the family (not yet), I know, I realize that. And I suppose it does only matter how we feel about each other, but I think anyone here would feel a little bit peeved if someone they cared about wasnt being treated as well as you think they should be.