There is no evangelization

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The fact of the matter is that it’s the Protestants who evangelize. They’re the ones who advertise and withstand the ridicule of others. They’re the ones who buy billboards, TV ads, and hand out flyers and invitations. Catholics do not do this. I give credit where credit is due. Catholics in Latin America are moving towards Protestantism because of the active, energetic, and enthusiastic evangelical efforts down there.

The fish rots from the head. Think about it.
Even doing something as simple as handing out pamphlets or papers in a local supermarket, or sticking them in windshields of cars, helps to spread the word of God.

Imagine the horror early Christians felt when they were literally thrown to hungry, starved animals, or how they were decapitated or hacked up with swords by Romans!
The fact of the matter is that it’s the Protestants who evangelize. They’re the ones who advertise and withstand the ridicule of others. They’re the ones who buy billboards, TV ads, and hand out flyers and invitations.
Yeah, they do all that, but…
Catholics do not do this
.I don’t know where you are, but you’re dead wrong on this. I personally keep a collection of Catholic tracts with me and give them out as led by the Holy Spirit. I know of many other Catholics who do the same. This is my way of fulfilling the great commission that actually says,“19] Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
20] teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.” (Matthew 28)

Notice it doesn’t say to preach on street corners, or shout at people, or be rude or to bash someone else’s faith, which is what most (not all) of the n-C evangelism I have encountered consists of. It says we are to teach them and make disciples of them and that requires a personal commitment and investment of ourselves in the person we are sharing our faith with.

And while we’re on this subject…just what are you doing to spread the Gospel?
I give credit where credit is due. Catholics in Latin America are moving towards Protestantism because of the active, energetic, and enthusiastic evangelical efforts down there.
Are you in Latin America? The fact is that most of that stuff is not really the gospel, but a sort of Bible thumping Americanized version thereof.

I fully intend to move down that way as soon as possible and you can best believe that I am gonna make some of those “evangelists” look Biblically ignorant when I do.
The fish rots from the head. Think about it.
😛 Maybe you should see your doctor if you are having a problem with fish rotting in your head like that. Sounds serious.:rolleyes:
The fact of the matter is that it’s the Protestants who evangelize. They’re the ones who advertise and withstand the ridicule of others. They’re the ones who buy billboards, TV ads, and hand out flyers and invitations.
Right and it’s for those same reasons why many non-believers despise Christianity. All the passing of propaganda, advertising the Christian faith like its a product, the constant judgmental sermons by street preachers on soap boxes… honestly, do you really believe we need to paint a sillier picture of ourselves? :mad:

I won’t even begin to describe how this type of ‘evangelizing’ is what prompts atheists like Richard Dawkins to produce their own equally silly junk.

Say what you want but I find that there’s actually a lot of power (dangerous power even) in keeping your views to yourself unless asked.

One thing’s for sure it’s better than making a fool out of yourself and out of Christ.
The fact of the matter is that it’s the Protestants who evangelize. They’re the ones who advertise and withstand the ridicule of others. They’re the ones who buy billboards, TV ads, and hand out flyers and invitations. Catholics do not do this. I give credit where credit is due. Catholics in Latin America are moving towards Protestantism because of the active, energetic, and enthusiastic evangelical efforts down there.

The fish rots from the head. Think about it.
Except that Catholics DO evangelize:

Catholics Come Home

Commercial - “Epic”

Commerical - “Movie”

Commercial - “Testimonials”

Catholic Evangelization Training

The Paulist National Catholic Evangelization Association

Roman Catholic Evangelization

USCCB Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis

Additionally, the Legion of Mary often goes door-to-door proclaiming the faith…

And that’s just a start!
To Church Militant:

You must think I am an uneducated man. You’ve descended into ad hominem attacks and thank you for your dissertation about your own piety.

Since I don’t feel the need to justify what I am doing about spreading the Gospel to YOU, I will nevertheless respond: my ex gf was a Buddhist, now Catholic. My current gf is an agnostic, now going to Mass. Is that enough for you, your holiness?

I hope you’re fluent in Spanish when you do finally get your first passport and move to Latin America. (And btw, I live in East Asia)

As far as fish rotting from the head and your accusation that my head is rotting, well, I wont even dignify that. You’ve spoken enough about yourself.
I LOVE the Catholics Come Home videos. “Epic” is the best one. We need more commercials like that (are they even shown on tv?). Mormons are probably the best at visible evangelization. 50,000+ missionaries (where going on a mission is encouraged among male young adults) and commercials that people know about. I wish Catholicism had something like this.
we need something like this:

We shouldn’t be relaxing just because we have 1 billion members. Everyone, do what you can.
I would agree that my Church does not evangelize, but frankly I like that. I had a lot of bad experiences when I was younger of protestant churches telling me I was going to Hell, and trying to force me to to their church. Frankly it just makes a person feel incredibly uncomfortable and usually turns people off. However when I went to the Catholic church for the first time about 3 years ago, I did not feel like I was being pressured, instead I felt very welcome. It was such a great feeling, and was one of the big reasons I am now Catholic.

Though I suppose my problem is actually with how you evangelize, not evangelizing in itself.
The fact of the matter is that it’s the Protestants who evangelize. They’re the ones who advertise and withstand the ridicule of others. They’re the ones who buy billboards, TV ads, and hand out flyers and invitations. Catholics do not do this. I .
yes they do, at least in this diocese and in some places around the country, judging by what I saw on my travels this summer.
a blanket condemnation of any group is usually a useless generalization. of far more benefit would be a discussion on what we as individual informed Catholics, and as members of a parish and a diocese, can do to live out our baptismal call to evangelize.
Umm, yes Catholics do evangelize. Hence this website. 😉 We just do it differently than some of the evangelicals.

Check out for some awesome Catholic evangelization.

❤️ Love is Patient
I will agree that protestants are the one’s who go out there and spread the word, but they are also the one’s who turn people off. I am a new Catholic, and I managed to find the truth without it being handed to me on a phamplet. For me, just stepping inside a Catholic church, seeing the cruifix and knowing that Christ is present at the tabernacle, was enough.
I am bringing two non-catholics to RCIA this tuesday… I did not convince them with silly billboards, but with sound theology and a little dose of the truth ;)👍
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