There must be a reason I'm still alive

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Do you ever think that? I guess I’m aiming more at the older members here. Though it can apply to younger ones.
I have had some lucky escapes in my life. I’ve managed to avoid major diseases and total bankruptcy. I’ve never been homeless nor spouseless.
Now I wonder what God has in store for me. What does he want me to do with the rest of my life? I’ve got maybe 20 years left. Some of that is going to be physically painful I fear with old age issues like arthritis. But I cant complain. I’ve had a good run so far.
You could say I’m praying aloud here. 🙂
What is my purpose Lord from here on?
Maybe something related to the church? Volunteering at mass? But there is probably something left. He seems to not let people go until they have done His work. Examples of this include Moses and the old man at the temple.
I think that, yes. I got really sick as a baby, not to the point where I was dying, but it could have headed in that direction were it not for modern medicine.
I’ve come near death a couple of times, so I am not afraid of death at all. I figure the Good Lord can keep me here as long or as short as He likes.

Life is precious. Make all you can in His glory. When you are called home, then you will know better His reasons.
“Chosen soul, living image of God and redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, God wants you to become holy like him in this life, and glorious like him in the next . It is certain that growth in the holiness of God is your vocation. All your thoughts, words, actions, everything you suffer or undertake must lead you towards that end. Otherwise you are resisting God in not doing the work for which he created you and for which he is even now keeping you in being.” St Louis de Montfort, The Secret of Mary
I remembered this quote rightaway. 🙂
When you come close to death, something happens… something changes. You get a peace about you. I firmly believe that is God’s grace operating on you.

Be open to His grace, for it allows you the means by which you understand the reasons you’re “still alive.”
I am sure many people who have grown older, their spouse maybe died, the kids married and visit grandpa maybe once a week.yet you wonder what God has in store for you. You’ve beaten the odds as you see it and that’s great. Instead of wondering what God has in store for you, what do you have in store for you? Where do you see yourself in the next 20 years. God may give alot more years then that. Whatever road you chose to go down, don’t turn around, if it’s right you will no it. Always ask Jesus to guide you and stay by your side. God Bless you. 🦋🦋
I’m sorry that it sounded that way. I meant did you have any thoughts on what you would like to do. Maybe something you never got around to doing, My wish for you was that what you choose was right, because Jesus was at your side. God grant you many years and may they be filled with happiness. God Bless you.🦋🦋🦋
OK. I’d like to:
-travel to Holy lands plus Vatican
-travel to Gesthemene to see where Thomas Merton lived
-be a full time student and study theology
-do some small quality volunteering, not be overburdened. just a couple of hours a week. Like visiting the sick or aged in hospital
-not feel poor in my elderly years (oops its too late) 🙂
I hope your wish to travel to the Holy lands and to the Vatican come true. My sister visited the Holy Land and the following year went to the Vatican’ she said it was an experience that would forever stay in her heart. I could not go for I had just given birth to my first child As far as feeling poor in your older years, which I believe are a bit away yet, get uo and motivate yourself to exercise 😣 God Bless you in all your endeavors. :
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