"Therese" I wanna DVD!

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Many of you have seen the movie *Terese, *A major motion picture at select theatres last year. I missed it but thought I would purchase the DVD as soon as it released. It would be a great movie for my family library.

When I contacted the site a few months ago, I received an email stating that they have not set a release date and to contact my DVD retail establishments and request the movie. I understood this to mean that they need a push from interested consumers in order to fork over the money it would take to manufacture this DVD. With the large number of members here at Catholic Answers we should be able to make a bit of a stir. This is a wonderful movie, if you are interested in purchasing Terese on DVD, please contact your local DVD retail businesses.
Thanks for the info! I’ve been waiting for some news about this.
Oh good! Thank you, I contacted them about 2 months ago and DVDs were not available. I just ordered one!

I got a copy here:
dvdempire.com/Exec/v4_item.asp?site_id=4&item_id=465422&userid=99364317785365 - less than $15 total with the Media Mail option, fast service.

If you don’t mind ordering from Amazon, you can get used DVD’s here: amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00007KK1V/qid=1124119488/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/002-7988443-7612840?v=glance&s=dvd Most sellers ship right away and there aren’t huge shipping and handling charges added.
ElizabethJoy – I think those links you posted are from a 1987 version of her life, not the most recent version by Luke Films. Just wanted to let people know – it doesn’t appear the Luke Films version has been released yet on DVD.
ElizabethJoy – I think those links you posted are from a 1987 version of her life, not the most recent version by Luke Films. Just wanted to let people know – it doesn’t appear the Luke Films version has been released yet on DVD.
You are correct. I just searched this thread out to warn everyone, this is for the 1987 version of the movie, and It is *not *my cup of tea. I am so disappointed! It is more of an artistic expression, a French film, subtitled. It is done in a very simplistic way, much like a theatrical play with a grey backdrop and a few props. Artistic, yet not the movie I was looking for. :crying: It also doesn’t explain much of what is going on, it assumes that the viewer knows everything, and those who don’t know the Catholic faith or about he rlife would be left thinking she was insane!
Oooh, yikes, I’m so sorry! I didn’t know that there was more than one. :o

I will be so glad to get a copy of the new production - I was kind of disappointed with the screenplay after having read Story of a Soul and a couple of books about Therese of Lisieux.

I’ve looked over the web site for the new production and signed up to be notified when the special edition DVD comes out. 🙂

Another one that I am looking forward to seeing is “Faustyna,” but as with Therese, I’ll bet that I’ll have to wait until it’s out on DVD.

Again, my apologies for mixing up the two movies.
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