Thesis on icons & hesychasm

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I’m currently writing a thesis on:
’How can icons improve the interior life of contemporary Catholics?'

It is an exploration of the different attitudes towards iconography in the Orthodox and Roman Catholic traditions, their different spiritualities and how the Roman Church can benefit from incorporating more of the traditional Orthodox practice of hesychasm into its life through the icon, that is understood as an externalization of hesychast spirituality.

Would anyone be interested in reviewing a draft of my thesis?
Please contact me and I will email you it in .doc format. I would attach it to this message but for some reason the ‘Manage Attachments’ function doesn’t work.

Thank you, God bless you & your families
Leo …
Very interesting, disputable subject. Best wishes. Perhaps following works which may be in English or other Western languages you already have if not may be helpful:
  1. LA Uspenskij Theology of Icons; wonderful chapters on hesychasm
  2. SB Dashkov Emperors of Byzantia; Mikhail IX Paleolog, Andronik III Paleolog Youngest including excellent presentation of ideas of Georgij Sianit.
  3. Ivan Meyendorf: Influence Isichasm on Religion
  4. Orthodox Incyclopedia of other Book regarding Life of St. Iosef Volokolamsky and Life of St. Nil Sorsky. Much interesting in their differences regarding isichasm.
thanks Volodymyr : )

Do you mean Leonid Ouspensky’s ‘Theology of the icon’?
I’ve already read that and it proved very useful. Would you like to have a read of my thesis? I’d be very, very grateful for some feedback although I appreciate you might be far too busy. peace - Leo
Thomas Merton wrote a book on Hesychasm called…Merton and Hesychasm (catchy 😃 ). Anyway, he was a RC monk, so his viewpoint might be interesting considering your thesis.

I am a Catholic convert of 14 years with absolutely no clue about Hesychasm, so depending on the (name removed by moderator)ut you are looking for, I would be interested. If you are looking for a complete neophyte outlook, let me know.

God Bless,

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