Hi all,
A little background to begin. I’m in my late 30s, cradle catholic. Up to my early 20s I was pretty devout with a good prayer life, went to weekly mass etc. For many reasons I fell away from the church and my life was very secular. I was still drawn to spirituality and I looked into other practices and religions - protestant and eastern religions and some new age stuff. It was never enough. I always felt like something was missing, I was always searching. Anyway, a few years ago I began a slow journey back to the Catholic Church and I finally realised that everything I was missing was right there with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist.
Last year I started to take my faith more seriously and began reading the Bible again. This led to a lot more catholic reading and I ended up reading about religious life. Around Christmas last year I was reading about the daily life of a cloistered religious community and I got a very strong sense that this was the life I was supposed to live. I got such a shock that I immediately shut the laptop and walked away from it. I had never even for a moment considered religious life. At that point I put it completely out of my mind and told myself I was being crazy. And that was that for a few months.
Then the lock-downs happened and as I live alone I had plenty of time to myself. I used this time to deepen my prayer life and read the gospels and new testament again. A couple of months into lock-down I again ended up looking at religious communities. There was one religious community that I was drawn to look at again and again and I felt a strong sense this was where I was supposed to be. I remembered the feeling I had at Christmas and this time I thought about it a little. Over the months after that I’ve prayed more about it. I’ve even prayed a 54-day rosary novena for what my vocation should be and the only answer I seem to hear from God is the word PRAY which I continue to do. The more I think and pray about it now the more I feel that perhaps this is what God wants for me and the idea of living a life centred around prayer, the Eucharist and Adoration while living in community is appealing to me more and more in a way I never considered before.
So I guess what I’m asking, for those of you who might know more than me… Does this sound like I have a calling? Would my time away from the church mean I’m not eligible? Do you have any advice? Are there any books you would suggest I read? Videos/podcasts etc that I should check out, especially to do with cloistered religious life?
I’m not quite at the stage where I’m ready to make contact with the monastery yet as this idea is still very new to me. I will contact them at some point in the near future though. I know it’s very much a two-way street. One of my reservations is that I have quite elderly parents who although they live a few hours away still very much rely on me. I organise their shopping deliveries etc at this time and if needed I can travel there. There are so many thoughts going through my head at the moment!
Thanks for reading, especially if you’ve made it this far. Please pray for me and I will pray for all who read this.
A little background to begin. I’m in my late 30s, cradle catholic. Up to my early 20s I was pretty devout with a good prayer life, went to weekly mass etc. For many reasons I fell away from the church and my life was very secular. I was still drawn to spirituality and I looked into other practices and religions - protestant and eastern religions and some new age stuff. It was never enough. I always felt like something was missing, I was always searching. Anyway, a few years ago I began a slow journey back to the Catholic Church and I finally realised that everything I was missing was right there with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist.
Last year I started to take my faith more seriously and began reading the Bible again. This led to a lot more catholic reading and I ended up reading about religious life. Around Christmas last year I was reading about the daily life of a cloistered religious community and I got a very strong sense that this was the life I was supposed to live. I got such a shock that I immediately shut the laptop and walked away from it. I had never even for a moment considered religious life. At that point I put it completely out of my mind and told myself I was being crazy. And that was that for a few months.
Then the lock-downs happened and as I live alone I had plenty of time to myself. I used this time to deepen my prayer life and read the gospels and new testament again. A couple of months into lock-down I again ended up looking at religious communities. There was one religious community that I was drawn to look at again and again and I felt a strong sense this was where I was supposed to be. I remembered the feeling I had at Christmas and this time I thought about it a little. Over the months after that I’ve prayed more about it. I’ve even prayed a 54-day rosary novena for what my vocation should be and the only answer I seem to hear from God is the word PRAY which I continue to do. The more I think and pray about it now the more I feel that perhaps this is what God wants for me and the idea of living a life centred around prayer, the Eucharist and Adoration while living in community is appealing to me more and more in a way I never considered before.
So I guess what I’m asking, for those of you who might know more than me… Does this sound like I have a calling? Would my time away from the church mean I’m not eligible? Do you have any advice? Are there any books you would suggest I read? Videos/podcasts etc that I should check out, especially to do with cloistered religious life?
I’m not quite at the stage where I’m ready to make contact with the monastery yet as this idea is still very new to me. I will contact them at some point in the near future though. I know it’s very much a two-way street. One of my reservations is that I have quite elderly parents who although they live a few hours away still very much rely on me. I organise their shopping deliveries etc at this time and if needed I can travel there. There are so many thoughts going through my head at the moment!
Thanks for reading, especially if you’ve made it this far. Please pray for me and I will pray for all who read this.