Im not sure if this is the right place for this but here it goes. i joined the knights of Columbus about 15 years ago because I thought it was an organization that did charitable work, I’m not saying it doesn’t but it’s not what I thought it would be. I thought we would be helping the poor, volunteering at the soup kitchen, that type of stuff. Instead we have a tootsie roll drive once a year to “Help the mentally handicap” yet when you ask how? where does this money go? what exactly are we doing to help them? no one can answer, even guys high up in the local chapter. We also run bingo and I’m sorry but I have an issue with a christian organization encouraging gambling, just saying. But all this is not why I’m considering leaving. The reality is I don’t have time for it. I never have been very active because I work and have children, also I changed parishes 10 years ago and it’s not feasable for me to belong to that chapter anymore. A few years ago I went to a meeting, my older children had moved out and I thought I might have more time and could do a little here and there, it was sad. the meeting consisted of letter after letter being read from members revoking their membership for lack of time to commit to it, every chair person begging for help saying there is to much for one person to do, everyone saying there is too much we are doing and not enough people to do it we need to scale back only to be told no by the grand knight. I couldn’t get to the door fast enough. I didn’t ask for a second job, and the activities the members were bogged down with, again, to me are not works of charity. My two youngest children are much more active then my older children and we are very active in the youth group (because of my children) at my current parish, which does not have a local knights chapter they are served by the city chapter. I have told all this to the guy who calls the members, like myself, who don’t do much trying to pressure them into doing something several times yet they periodically still call me. I have always planned on being more active when the kids are all gone but with this chapter it seems to be all or nothing. He called me last night while I was helping my children’s confirmation class, and I told him " I don’t go to that church anymore, we are very active in this church with our children, and if in the future I do start getting involved with the knights I will probably transfer my membership to the city council." he told me that I should just go ahead and do that. But I don’t want the same thing to happen. I don’t want to say to the city chapter " I want to transfer my membership to you, but I don’t have time to do anything right now so don’t bother me for another 5 years." I just don’t have time for it and so I’m considering dropping it altogether. So my question is if I do that am I breaking any promises I made to God when I joined. Are there any spiritual ramifacations for leaving the knights?