In another thread, I thought of the days we kids used to taunt our enemies with “sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.”
That’s Sandbox 101. As long as you’re not afraid of them, they can say what they want. The only word that meant anything tangible was “Uncle.”
Now we’re adults. Now it’s all about names.
Is the name God or Allah greater? Do you agree with this bishop or that bishop? Are you just a sinner, or are you and obstinate sinner? If so does that mean you’re a “true Catholic” or a “Protestant at heart.”
Here’s what I will allow. You may call you anything you golly well please if it helps you feel better in some way.
Call me a Catholic. Call me a pagan. Whatever, just let’s find out what’s bothering you and see if we can work together to heal it. I’m not afraid of what you call me, because I am not insecure in any way about who is I AM, or who this “I” is that calls himself Alan is, for that matter. Your beliefs do not damage my faith; they only give me a chance to minister to or fellowship with you. Minister to may involve correcting you, or just listening to you rant so you can calm down, and hopefully speak more rationally later.
I’m just a Big Kid who refuses to grow up.
OTOH, I like it when my kids’ friends call me “Mister Siegman” because I think it shows respect. OTOOH, I also like it (after some adjustment period on my part) when they call me “Alan” because I think it shows unity in their own way, having grown up around different manners than I did, I guess.
Whatever, I like an audience. I’m just a little kid wanting attention. Call me a saint or a devil, if it helps you explain you pain.
Whatever words I speak to you and even if I type things that are objectively and later regretfully insulting, I pray to the God I believe in, the God of the Catholic Church, that in my heart I will have no other “meaningful” name to call you other than the one Christ called each of us: “friend.”
That’s Sandbox 101. As long as you’re not afraid of them, they can say what they want. The only word that meant anything tangible was “Uncle.”
Now we’re adults. Now it’s all about names.
Is the name God or Allah greater? Do you agree with this bishop or that bishop? Are you just a sinner, or are you and obstinate sinner? If so does that mean you’re a “true Catholic” or a “Protestant at heart.”
Here’s what I will allow. You may call you anything you golly well please if it helps you feel better in some way.
Call me a Catholic. Call me a pagan. Whatever, just let’s find out what’s bothering you and see if we can work together to heal it. I’m not afraid of what you call me, because I am not insecure in any way about who is I AM, or who this “I” is that calls himself Alan is, for that matter. Your beliefs do not damage my faith; they only give me a chance to minister to or fellowship with you. Minister to may involve correcting you, or just listening to you rant so you can calm down, and hopefully speak more rationally later.
I’m just a Big Kid who refuses to grow up.
OTOH, I like it when my kids’ friends call me “Mister Siegman” because I think it shows respect. OTOOH, I also like it (after some adjustment period on my part) when they call me “Alan” because I think it shows unity in their own way, having grown up around different manners than I did, I guess.
Whatever, I like an audience. I’m just a little kid wanting attention. Call me a saint or a devil, if it helps you explain you pain.
Whatever words I speak to you and even if I type things that are objectively and later regretfully insulting, I pray to the God I believe in, the God of the Catholic Church, that in my heart I will have no other “meaningful” name to call you other than the one Christ called each of us: “friend.”