Thinking of the Franciscan Third Order

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My fiancee and I are interested in the Franciscan Thidrd Order. But one thing concerns me, that is, I’m not currently a good example of a person with Franciscan spirituality. I grew up rough, (not the roughest, but still). As time went on my temper became worse. I had a very cynical and pessimistic view of the world. I loved to fight, verbally and physically. And I carried on that way until I met my fiancee and came home to the Church

I want to be a Franciscan because I want to lose this horrible temper, and gain the peace of God, and take insult and slights with love, like Our Lord and St. Francis did. I want to work in the world for Christ, and I’m excited about the opportunities that being a Franciscan would give me. I want to learn to look at every person and see Christ in them. Some traditional parts of Franciscan spirituality I struggle less with. I’m the type of person who would be happier not being attached to material goods. I think of wealth as a burden, because you’re responsible for what you do or don’t do with it. Heck, I feel guilty about having a few silver coins saved up, instead of cashing them in then giving the money to charity. But the more important parts of Franciscan spirituality, I admit I lack. But I do have the desire to learn, with God’s grace to get better. I want to sow love, to console, to pardon, to be a peacemaker, an insturment of God. I’d love to be one of God’s insturments, that my will be emptied out and filled with His (I must decrease and He must increase). Should I still consider going down this path, or is there too much to change in me, although I am very willing to be instructed, and moulded to God’s will. Not only am I willing to change, but I desire to change. I want to be like St. Francis
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you won’t know until you contact the order and speak with someone there. i suggest at least giving it a try. i am considering a third order as well, not sure which yet
When I came to my community, I had doubts and didn’t know if I would ever even agree with their spirituality and practices. There was just something drawing me in… give the discernment process it’s full course and you’ll know if it fits or not.
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