My fiancee and I are interested in the Franciscan Thidrd Order. But one thing concerns me, that is, I’m not currently a good example of a person with Franciscan spirituality. I grew up rough, (not the roughest, but still). As time went on my temper became worse. I had a very cynical and pessimistic view of the world. I loved to fight, verbally and physically. And I carried on that way until I met my fiancee and came home to the Church
I want to be a Franciscan because I want to lose this horrible temper, and gain the peace of God, and take insult and slights with love, like Our Lord and St. Francis did. I want to work in the world for Christ, and I’m excited about the opportunities that being a Franciscan would give me. I want to learn to look at every person and see Christ in them. Some traditional parts of Franciscan spirituality I struggle less with. I’m the type of person who would be happier not being attached to material goods. I think of wealth as a burden, because you’re responsible for what you do or don’t do with it. Heck, I feel guilty about having a few silver coins saved up, instead of cashing them in then giving the money to charity. But the more important parts of Franciscan spirituality, I admit I lack. But I do have the desire to learn, with God’s grace to get better. I want to sow love, to console, to pardon, to be a peacemaker, an insturment of God. I’d love to be one of God’s insturments, that my will be emptied out and filled with His (I must decrease and He must increase). Should I still consider going down this path, or is there too much to change in me, although I am very willing to be instructed, and moulded to God’s will. Not only am I willing to change, but I desire to change. I want to be like St. Francis
I want to be a Franciscan because I want to lose this horrible temper, and gain the peace of God, and take insult and slights with love, like Our Lord and St. Francis did. I want to work in the world for Christ, and I’m excited about the opportunities that being a Franciscan would give me. I want to learn to look at every person and see Christ in them. Some traditional parts of Franciscan spirituality I struggle less with. I’m the type of person who would be happier not being attached to material goods. I think of wealth as a burden, because you’re responsible for what you do or don’t do with it. Heck, I feel guilty about having a few silver coins saved up, instead of cashing them in then giving the money to charity. But the more important parts of Franciscan spirituality, I admit I lack. But I do have the desire to learn, with God’s grace to get better. I want to sow love, to console, to pardon, to be a peacemaker, an insturment of God. I’d love to be one of God’s insturments, that my will be emptied out and filled with His (I must decrease and He must increase). Should I still consider going down this path, or is there too much to change in me, although I am very willing to be instructed, and moulded to God’s will. Not only am I willing to change, but I desire to change. I want to be like St. Francis
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