This is SOOOO weird! I guess God can do anything

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I was saying my Rosary, and The Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Then after I was done, i felt like i went into this kinda “Zone” (Lack Of Better Words), and I began Singing! Now I have never sang after my prayers, and I would Just sing bits and peices of songs, and my eyes were closed, and I saw fire falling from the sky (In my head of Course, not falling from the actual Sky),and I was kinda zoned out. I sang songs like “I can only Imagine”, and other songs I know, but i don’t know the title to. Like songs we sing at Youth Group. I felt like I was dreaming. I mean i was totally Oblivious to the world, and I loved it, I feel like crying, that was such an Experiance, and i felt Gods Love all around me, I felt like little chills go down my whole Body. It was really Weird. Has anyone else ever experianced anything like this, I just ask God i can do that everynight! I feel like I had a revival kinda thing, oh it was so amazing. :yup:
I was saying my Rosary, and The Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Then after I was done, i felt like i went into this kinda “Zone” (Lack Of Better Words), and I began Singing! Now I have never sang after my prayers, and I would Just sing bits and peices of songs, and my eyes were closed, and I saw fire falling from the sky (In my head of Course, not falling from the actual Sky),and I was kinda zoned out. I sang songs like “I can only Imagine”, and other songs I know, but i don’t know the title to. Like songs we sing at Youth Group. I felt like I was dreaming. I mean i was totally Oblivious to the world, and I loved it, I feel like crying, that was such an Experiance, and i felt Gods Love all around me, I felt like little chills go down my whole Body. It was really Weird. Has anyone else ever experianced anything like this, I just ask God i can do that everynight! I feel like I had a revival kinda thing, oh it was so amazing. :yup:
I do believe and know that there are some people/Saints who have had given special ‘opportunities’ to experience something wonderful from God.
I had been given twice an experience of the Gift of Tears’. I wouldn’t get too wrapped up the next time you pray and the same thing does not happen again. IF it does happen again tonight, then I would pray and ask ‘What special role do you Lord,want for me to do for you?’ Don’t ask Why? ask for service to our Lord.
If it doesn’t happan tonight, still be thankful for the gift and ponder who this will help you serve our Lord better, and pray to ask for what changes He wants for you at this moment. Then after these changes do take place, He may reveal something else to you.

I believe you are considering the Eastern Catholic Church, from an different thead, right? There are many examples of Saints in the Eastern Catholic Church who have had very special spiritual gifts. The Eastern Catholic Churches look more in the spiritual veins of our faith.
My Pastor suggested to me that my patron Saint is St. Andrew, Fool for Christ. He lived in the 10Century in Constantinople. St. Andrew is an ‘extreme’ Saint who suffered greatly for Christ and recieved visions of Heaven. I still do not know why my Pastor suggested him to me but I pray for St. Andrew to interceed for me.

Keep in prayer,
Go with God!
It is a wonderful thing to feel such intense love and devotion. I have had many different experiences that have overwhelmed me and they are so wonderful that I want to always experience them everytime I go to Mass and feel almost rejected when I don’t -

It is dealing with the disappointment when they do not happen that I want to share a thought with you from “My Daily Thought From The Following of Christ”

“A generous lover resteth not in the gift, but in Me, above every gift. All, therefore, is not lost, if sometimes thou hast not that feeling (of devotion) towards Me or My Saints which thou wouldst have.”

God Bless!
Great post! I have come close to what you describe but it is few and far between. We are blessed when it does happen.

Can anyone detail “the gift of tears”. I get the general drift but don’t know anything about it’s origin or significence. Thanks.
Yes, these are powerful experiences and wonderful to experience and are totally up to God (all we do is be open to Him).

You do need to be carefully to focus yourself on love of God and not love of the experience. This is a piety trap that many, including myself and some of saints, have fallen into at times.

The general term for these types of experiences are Mystical Experiences and I believe that everyone, not just a select few, can experience them if they are open, desiring to know the Truth, desiring to love God with all their heart, and are ready to receive them.

My advice to you is not to seek them out, but rather to enjoy them when they happen. Leave it totally up to God. He knows you yearn for them.
Chrisg wrote:
Can anyone detail “the gift of tears”. I get the general drift but don’t know anything about it’s origin or significence. Thanks.

Here is a discussion on the forum about tears. It includes a paper on Issac the Syrain and tears.

I too have had many experiences over the years. But we must always seek the Giver and not the gift. And! Receiving things of this nature brings responcibillites, God is calling one to a deeper walk, and also a greater boldness in the proclamation of faith. Not necessarily what he has done for us, but what he can do for others. How do we know, because he has done it for us.

Pani Rose
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