This just in: prayer works

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I’m going to prematurely share this with you folks because, well, you’re my only Catholic friends. If it hadn’t happened to me, I would probably roll my eyes and say “coincidence.”

Some of you may have caught a thread I scribbled in the throes of a late-night, merlot-fueled pity-party I had recently. I was stressed out about several things, one of which was the job situation. I’m in a rut right now–good job, fairly interesting, but extremely low pay for a city like D.C. I asked for your prayers, got a few responses, and pretty much forgot about it.

Today I threw my hat in the ring for a freelance proofreading job at a big conservative Catholic publication. I received a reply within hours–they want to see my resume.

Now, this is a bit too premature to crack open the champagne yet, (and, it’s a proofreading job, after all), but there’s just too much coincidence here. It may turn into nothing, (in which case, you can count on me writing another thread asking about discernment), but who knows…

If I get this job, which will be a nice little supplement to my income–whatever the pay–I’ll be thanking you for all your hard-workin’ intercession.

Now, to exit my self-absorbtion for a minute, has anyone else had an experience where prayer undeniably made the difference?
Now, to exit my self-absorbtion for a minute, has anyone else had an experience where prayer undeniably made the difference?

Many many times! I did not get married in the church which made my marriage invalid. When I realized I could not receive Communion until my marriage was blessed I was devastated! My husband was not Catholic and had not been going to any church. I began to pray that somehow we would get our marriage blessed so I could receive Holy Communion. Each time I went to Mass I longed to be able to receive Jesus and I’d beg Him to help make it possible. I always trusted that before I died, somehow I would be able to receive Him. I also started praying many rosaries. The more I prayed, the more I found answers. One day it was revealed to me that I should pray for my husband, DUH! Talk about an epiphany! I began to focus my prayer on my husbands conversion and I asked an elderly holy woman (she can pray!) to pray for him also. That following Saturday, my husband out of the blue says, …you know, I’m not going to promise but I might go to church with you tomorrow…, I did not ask why, I just said OK. That fall he started RCIA and came into the Catholic church that following Easter…You better BELIEVE it!! Prayer is POWERFUL!! Thank you LORD!! and Blessed Mother!!! and all you holy men and women…PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!
We had suffered for the last 4 years with a meth-addict neighbor, who would have been a bad neighbor even without the meth. Until recently, my prayers had been along the lines of “Please God, get rid of him!”. Then a friend gave me some blessed salt. My dh & I walked down the access road, sprinkling the salt & praying that the neighbor & his family would be healed & blessed. 2 weeks later we heard he was moving, & now he is gone for good!

I must be a slow learner - I know a prayer of blessing always works better than a selfish one. :o
We had suffered for the last 4 years with a meth-addict neighbor, who would have been a bad neighbor even without the meth. Until recently, my prayers had been along the lines of “Please God, get rid of him!”. Then a friend gave me some blessed salt. My dh & I walked down the access road, sprinkling the salt & praying that the neighbor & his family would be healed & blessed. 2 weeks later we heard he was moving, & now he is gone for good!

I must be a slow learner - I know a prayer of blessing always works better than a selfish one. :o
Blessed salt??? Never heard of that before. Can someone fill me in.
Now, to exit my self-absorbtion for a minute, has anyone else had an experience where prayer undeniably made the difference?
I can’t even begin to tell you the really obvious ways in which I’ve had prayers answered over the past year. So much so that even when I didn’t think about God, I’d have known it was way more than coincidence. From finding $300 my husband lost (we definitely won’t go into that carelessness, but I prayed not to find the money, but to have the strength to NOT be angry with my husband), to discovering a four-year Biblical Institute offered by my Diocese, to securing jobs (I’m a freelancer)…isn’t it an incredible feeling when you can really, really see God at work personally in your life? Not that all my prayers are answered so favorably, but even when I see answers that aren’t what I’d have wished, I’m still so grateful for them nonetheless.

Prayer has always worked in my life, I sometimes just haven’t understood it. It like I always say, God always answers prayers, sometimes He just says no.
Gods blessings, and I will continue to pray for help with your job search.
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