Eileen T said:
“Why do the disciples of John and the disciples of the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?”
Our priest said that the question we might be asked today is “Why do Muslims fast and Christians don’t?” referring to the long fast of Ramadan.
It’s important to get the distinctions right.
Muslims fast from sunup to sundown during Ramadan. After sundown, they can eat and drink to their hearts’ (and stomachs’) content. During the fast, they are permitted NOTHING, not water, not cigarettes. Because of the lunar calendar, some years Ramadan occurs when the days are short, so the fasting is pretty easy. Other years, the days are long and the fasting is more difficult. They may get a little short-tempered, so if your employees and / or co-workers are observing the fast, you might want to cut them a little slack, particularly if the weather is hot. Ask them if they are observing the fast (some do not) and if they are, let them rest and for goodness sake, don’t eat a candy bar in their faces!
Christian fasting occurs during Lent, as a rule. There are days of fast and abstinence. The rules differ and vary depending on the age of the person and the guidelines set up by the bishop.
Fast means a reduced food intake, but we are not allowed to hurt ourselves and it generally means for a 24 hour day. A strict fast may require medical supervision. Midnight to midnight. During Lent, it means the full 40 days. For goodness sake, if you get let your blood sugar drop and you pass out, then there is no benefit. So then go and eat something.
Abstinence means no meat. 24 hours per day of abstinence. Fridays. Ash Wednesday. Good Friday. Not that difficult. Unless you get invited to dinner and they serve beef wellington and you have to just pick at the crust or veggies.
We are supposed to not advertise that we are fasting or abstaining… if we get brownie points from our friends and co-workers for our fast, then we don’t get divine points… we will already have receive our reward… but not from God.