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I don’t think it’s a sin or anything, but is an odd thing to propose. “I’ll give you a gift if you pray the rosary” is just…a little weird.
First of all, you don’t get to convert people; the Holy Spirit does that, and if you’re explicitly trying too hard, you may push them further away. Let the example of your life be the tool that’s used to guide someone to conversion.

Second, it’s a bad idea to use this “gift” exchange as a way to draw someone in. For one thing, it’s not a gift at that point - you’re making them pay by actions; second, the resultant prayers may not have any heartfelt effect, so they’re pointless; third, they’ll possibly cooperate for a while, but eventually resent the whole charade (if they don’t resent the idea immediately) because it seems to me a bit childish to treat someone this way and the research on rewards for behavior changes show this to be ineffective long term; and finally, you’re really cheapening your own faith by reducing it to a transaction. Is that the message you want to send and the end result you’d like?

You’d be better off praying the rosary for this person yourself.
This is some good advice, thanks. How do I delete my post? I feel a bit embarrassed about it in retrospect
@camoderator could you delete my account and all of it’s posts permanently? Thanks
Please stop responding to my post i just want to delete my account and all of my posts thanks
This is some good advice, thanks. How do I delete my post? I feel a bit embarrassed about it in retrospect
You really don’t need to delete everything and leave. I’m sure your heart was in the right place. It’s not that big of a deal, dude. Don’t stress it.
I dont know how to do so, please tell me how
I don’t think you can. You could just edit all your posts to say “xx” or something and then just stop logging on. I don’t think you can really delete the account.

That said, it seems like you’re freaking out about this a little. You had an idea, a few of us said “eh, maybe not” and you reconsidered. It’s not a big deal. There’s no need for you to be so embarrassed, it’s really a non-event.

But if you really want to leave, yeah, just stop posting.
That seems quite extreme and a bit of an overreaction. We all make mistakes and embarrass ourselves from time to time. At least this is a relatively safe place to do so where we’re nearly all under pseudonyms.
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