This weeked is the anniversary of my friend's death...please pray?

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I think this is probably the right part of the forum to post this. I have a prayer request that is very close to my heart right now. Some of you on here probably have heard me mention my friend that was killed in a car accident last October. Well, this Saturday Oct. 15 is the first anniversary of her death. She was my best friend’s older sister. It was a horrific, sudden car crash that killed my friend’s sister instantly and left another girl with life long motor/nervous system problems - similar to someone who has suffered a stroke. Two other kids were injured, though they are ok now. (physically).

Their family is going through a really rough time. Right after her death last year they had to deal with what would have been her 24th birthday in November. Then the holidays. Now they have the anniversary and the cycle starts over again. (My best friend has been dealing with things well, but I know she will need some prayer help.)

She was an incredibly smart, fun person - one of those people that when she walked in a room the room just lit up - she made people happy. She had just graduated college and was working on her masters in education. She loved children and was very active and always had something funny to say to lift your spirits. Her boyfriend was planning on asking her to marry him when she got her masters finished. Such potential…

Please, if you could find time this Saturday to pray for my friend’s soul, and for some peace and comfort for her family. I will be out of town this weekend but I will be praying as much as possible. Lately now that it’s October again, all I can think about is that whole horrible time last year.

I’m sorry for such a long post, I just felt I needed to get this out, and ask for prayers. Thanks so much.
I will be praying for the repose of your friend’s soul, for your friends family, and for you.
Praying right now… :gopray2:

Your friend is fortunate to have such a good friend in you, Celia.
Thank you guys :o

I appreciate you all taking the time to pray, I really do. Thanks so much.
I am so sorry. 😦 I hope she is peacefully with God now. I will pray.

You are assurd of my family’s prayers.

It is very hard to lose a friend or family member in a car accident. It took me years to accept the graces God was pouring out on me after a very similar accident instantly took my sister’s life. Thank God for people like you praying for people like me and your friends. Through the prayers of God’s faithfull children, I can now see how God blessed me and allowed this time to ammend my life according to His Will. I fought / fight it hard, but God always wins. Again I want to thank you and encourage to keep bringing your friends to God through prayer.

Eternal light grant upon them O Lord and may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen

May God bless you and your friends.

You are assurd of my family’s prayers.

It is very hard to lose a friend or family member in a car accident. It took me years to accept the graces God was pouring out on me after a very similar accident instantly took my sister’s life. Thank God for people like you praying for people like me and your friends. Through the prayers of God’s faithfull children, I can now see how God blessed me and allowed this time to ammend my life according to His Will. I fought / fight it hard, but God always wins. Again I want to thank you and encourage to keep bringing your friends to God through prayer.

Eternal light grant upon them O Lord and may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen

May God bless you and your friends.
John, I’m so sorry about your sister. Thank you for your prayers and I will pray for you and your family as well. I’m so glad that you have a measure of peace now with prayer and God’s help. That is wonderful to hear about. God bless you.
Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord
and let perpetual light shine upon her.
May she rest in peace.
Dear friend

I am keeping all of those your requested in my prayers.

The first year after a bereavement is the hardest, but in time the pain of loss lessens and with acceptance then happier memories of the lost loved one take the place of grief. The most important thing is to take the time to grieve in each persons own way and not ‘feel’ they should be reacting in a set way. It also helps to remember that the lost loved one also loved and loves them and would not want their families and friends to lose sight of the precious gift of life and cease to live it to the full. Please be hopeful of your friends residence in Heaven with Jesus and now after a year talk often to your friend in prayer and ask for their prayers.

I am keeping all of you in my prayers and heart.

God Bless you all and much love and peace to you

Thank you all again very much. Her family made it through the weekend ok, her parents were kind of weepy but they did well. My friend has a habit of pushing stuff away from her so she doesn’t have to think about it so I worry about that sometimes. But overall I think she is doing all right - She talked about it last night a little bit - It’s just hard for them, obviously. I’m sure everyone’s prayers helped them through the weekend and then on to tackle the rest of the holidays, etc. Please keep them in your prayers if at all possible, and everyone’s responses were so sweet, thank you so much.
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