This whole "Prayer Warrior" thing

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First off please understand I am not knocking prayer, or the concept of spiritual warfare. I pray every day and believe in the power of prayer.

It’s just that whenever I see one of those slick, dramatic inspirational marketing videos for “spiritual warfare” or being a “prayer warrior”,

like this one

Or this one

I tend to think I’m actually more like this one

Or this one

I had to play with the sound off, but I know what you’re saying. Thank the Lord there is strength in numbers.
I am sure the Lord could transform anyone into a strong warrior, given that some of his picks for prophets in the OT were not exactly the most imposing or impressive people in the group.

I especially think of the “Dad’s Army” one when I am praying with a group of people at one parish who are very elderly and pray very slowly except for one elderly man who I think gets impatient and prays at about 100 miles an hour.

I am sure their prayers are very valuable to God and very sincere, so nothing wrong with it. It’s just that all this Star Wars type marketing stuff designed to bring in more young people and especially males makes me chuckle sometimes.
I tried watching their “get in shape” videos. Sadly I am 4F. I also thought Doug’s (I think it was Doug) advice to give up French fries was a bit silly given that I eat them maybe twice a week at most.

I know a few years ago Fr. Heilman had a prayer novena where in addition to praying we were supposed to walk 10,000 steps a day. I accomplished it and saw every part of my town on foot but I had to spend about 2 hours a day walking.
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I am not with it today I guess because I don’t understand the message of this
thread. I liked the first video. What was wrong with it?
There’s nothing wrong with the video.
The point is that we sometimes don’t feel strong and heroic when we pray.
Also that the inspirational videos using “prayer warrior” imagery, while very well done and motivational, sometimes feel a little bit over the top. Our prayer is not that dramatic.

There are many days when my prayer life feels more like a sitcom than a big dramatic battle of good vs. evil.
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I accomplished it and saw every part of my town on foot but I had to spend about 2 hours a day walking.
I’d be more interested in the walking than the praying. So I guess I’m more like ‘Private Pyle’ with the jelly donut than Rambo.
I do not have a clear idea what a true prayer warrior is or does, but I’m pretty sure these videos (the first two in the OP) say nothing about it.

Could someone tell me what a prayer warrior is? I looked it up. Wikipedia was not much help. Do they fire off prayers like bullets, as if more is better? Is it like a conversation with God, or more like a recital? Do they talk and do they listen? Are they humble?
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Prayer warriors are those who pray for others and sometimes pray in groups for “spiritual warfare” purposes, such as everyone praying together for the Church and against evil, etc. The idea is that prayer is a powerful weapon against evil and that we are fighting a battle against the forces of Satan every day.

The second video is the current opening theme video for US Grace Force, which is a large prayer warrior group in US, uses warrior/ military imagery constantly, and has St. Michael prominently in their logo. Many on CAF are familiar with the group and the logo.

Okay, I have never heard of that group of prayer warriors - US Grace Force.

I definitely think we can’t have enough prayer for spiritual warfare purposes.
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