I need to speak to my priest about changing the words of the liturgy, and I remember reading in a Church document a quote of St Thomas saying something to the effect of: To celebrate the liturgy in any way other than what is laid down by the church and tradition is to falsify the liturgy; and maybe something like: it’s not offering true worship to God.
I thought it was in Ecclesia de Eucharistia or Redemptionis Sacramentum, but can’t find it there. Maybe it was in the Catechism, another document or a book of JPII or Card. Ratzinger.
Can anyone help me find this quote?
I thought it was in Ecclesia de Eucharistia or Redemptionis Sacramentum, but can’t find it there. Maybe it was in the Catechism, another document or a book of JPII or Card. Ratzinger.
Can anyone help me find this quote?